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入局风口—元宇宙Strange Planet

互联网的诞生使世界开始构建链接,《阿凡达》的上映宣告开启了3D电影的大门,5G网络的快速发展促进万物互联,科技的发展速度远远超乎我们的预料,如何把握住下一个风口,我想,你可以在近年爆火的全新概念——元宇宙中找到答案。 相信很多人都听说过元宇宙,但元宇宙究竟是什么,他的现状如

Nedb 的简单学习

原教程地址 Nedb——Node嵌入式数据库 简单demo <template> <div> <el-button type="primary" @click="addOneUser">添加用户</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="search">查询</el-but

hw04 of CS61A of UCB

Mobiles Q2: Weights Implement the planet data abstraction by completing the planet constructor and the size selector so that a planet is represented using a two-element list where the first element is the string 'planet' and the second element

CS61B 学习笔记 proj0:NBody Simulation

proj0介绍 Planet类构造器 public class Planet { public double xxPos; public double yyPos; public double xxVel; public double yyVel; public double mass; public String imgFileName; public Planet(double xP, double yP, double xV, doub

CodeForces - 787D.Legacy前向星线段树建图+dij

题目链接https://codeforces.com/contest/787/problem/D time limit per test:2 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes Rick and his co-workers have made a new radioactive formula and a lot of bad guys are after them. So Rick wants to give his legacy to Mort


一、 软件下载 Mysql是一个比较流行且很好用的一款数据库软件,如下记录了我学习总结的mysql免安装版的配置经验,要安装的朋友可以当做参考哦 mysql5.7 64位下载地址: https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.7/mysql-5.7.19-winx64.zip 本次教程采用的是64位版本,诸君可根


package main import ( "fmt" "sort" ) // A couple of type definitions to make the units clear. type earthMass float64 type au float64 // A Planet defines the properties of a solar system object. type Planet struct { name

poj 3987 Computer Virus on Planet Pandora —— ac自动机复习

poj 3987 Computer Virus on Planet Pandora ac自动机复习 题意如下 给出多个模式串,最后给出一个文本串,求有多少个模式串被文本串包含或者被反序的文本串包含 几乎是ac自动机模板,正反跑两次就行了。但是当时板子怎么写忘记了,队里也没带资料,于是没调出来。说明还是基本功不够


Python for和while循环语句的基础知识!小白请看过来,纯干货!! Reference: Kaggle Notebook Loops! Click me! 1. 循环(Loops) 循环在计算机语言中是指重复运行某些代码。 看看例子就懂啦~ planets = ['Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn',


// world.cpp -- 太阳系模拟 // 2020/3/2 copyright by ywr #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> using namespace std; #define FARS 21 #define MAX_PLANETS 9 // 各种物质标识 enum matter {vacuo, sun, planet}; // 行星的坐标 struct Coord { int x; int y; };

Projecteuler584 Birthday Problem Revisited

Birthday Problem Revisited A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, the Wimwians, inhabitants of planet WimWi, discovered an unmanned drone that had landed on their planet. On examining the drone, they uncovered a device that sought the answer for t


一 前言 这篇文章是很基础的一文,没多大深度,对于开发人员必然是熟练于心。本篇文章的主题是为什么java要设置类成员访问级别?其原因也很简单,就是为了面向对象的封装特性;将类成员使用不同的访问级别控制,在数据封装后,其他的类成员想要访问当前类成员,就必须要有足够的权限才能访问;这样

沃茨携手Planet Water Foundation为泰国带去清洁水源

沃茨员工和客户在沙缴两所学校建造“AquaTower”   马萨诸塞州北安多弗--(美国商业资讯)--全球领先的管道、采暖和水质产品及解决方案制造商沃茨水工业集团(Watts Water Technologies, Inc., NYSE: WTS)最近为泰国沙缴的儿童和家庭资助安装了两座滤水系统,为他们供应清洁的饮

(18)What a planet needs to sustain life

https://www.ted.com/talks/dave_brain_what_a_planet_needs_to_sustain_life/transcript 00:12I'm really glad to be here. I'm glad you're here, because that would be a little weird. I'm glad we're all here. And by "here," I d

top resources of this planet

With the evolution of the world today, it is almost impossible now to find a house that does not have a television, as it has become essential to have an iptv receiverespecially with the development brought to this mode of entertainment.Most of the time a


第五章 网页交互——文本对象模型【Document object model】 1 简单介绍DOM,dom是将html与javascript进行交互的工具。 【使用innerHTML时注意:html中的内容是按照HTML本身的先后顺序加载的。故js对应代码应置于html之后】 问题:   *document.getElementById时,id不存在返回null,存在