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three pillars of javascript

1.Types & Coercion Primitive Types underfined string number boolean object symbol null 其中 null,虽然是基本变量,但是因为设计的时候null是全 0,而object是 000 开头,所以typeof会误判。 function - subtype of the object array - subtype of the object NaN 是一个特殊的

重型车辆盲区行为检查Behaviours – Heavy Vehicle Blind Spots

重型车辆盲区行为检查Behaviours – Heavy Vehicle Blind Spots VISIBILITY AROUND HEAVY VEHICLES A blind spot is an area of the road outside the driver's field of vision that cannot be seen in the rearview mirrors or through the windows. The taller and longer the

CF474E Pillars(离散化+线段树+保存DP路径)

题意: 给出一个序列,一次跳跃只能从i跳到j,满足j>i同时abs(a[j]-a[i])>=d。询问最多可以跳几次,输出路径。 题解: 做过很多次的DP模型,需要注意的是这里的值域是1e15,需要先对数据做一个离散化,然后二分出每步DP的上下界。保存DP路径的细节在线段树和状态转移的过程中都有体现,属于常见套路

E - Rebuild UVALive - 7187 (二次函数极值问题)

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5531 Problem Description Archaeologists find ruins of Ancient ACM Civilization, and they want to rebuild it.The ruins form a closed path on an x-y plane, which has n endpoints. The endpoints locate on (x1,