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Fiori launchpad里Enter Group name这个tile是怎么配置出来的

我想知道GM6上这个红色的方框是怎么配出来的:其technical ID和其他catalog group 不一样,是一串guid。 其他的catalog group 都能在Chrome network里找到对应的catalog group technical id: 答案: 这个问题搞清楚了,所有在Chrome里观察到的id为guid的都是通过personalizati

隐藏SAP CRM WebClient UI personalization 里某个field

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Aug 25, 2014 假设希望将UUID field从end user使用的personalization view中隐藏掉: 虽然在ui configuration里,uuid设置成为Displayed Fields,但是当end user 打开personalization view时,该field 不可见: solution in main.htm: <%@pa

Personalization vs. Customization

The concept of personalizing for customers is certainly not new. But the Web elevates it to a near art form. The Web is the perfect marketing environment for precision marketing, because individuals can be uniquely identified, and a message can be tailore

打印某个user在指定时间段内做过的personalization detail

Requirement This question is asked by consultant during Jerry’s supporting as dev angel. Partner wants to develop some report in the backend to track which users have performed what kinds of Fiori group personlization but he didn’t know the correspondi