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P2853 [USACO06DEC]Cow Picnic S

P2853 [USACO06DEC]Cow Picnic S 题目描述 The cows are having a picnic! Each of Farmer John’s K (1 ≤ K ≤ 100) cows is grazing in one of N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000) pastures, conveniently numbered 1…N. The pastures are connected by M (1 ≤ M ≤ 10,000) one-way

[USACO 2008 Jan G]Cell Phone Network

链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/problem/24953 来源:牛客网 Farmer John has decided to give each of his cows a cell phone in hopes to encourage their social interaction. This, however, requires him to set up cell phone towers on his N (1 ≤ N ≤ 10,000) pas

牛客假日团队赛8:H.Cell Phone Network(最小支配集)

链接:https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/1069/A 来源:牛客网 时间限制:C/C++ 1秒,其他语言2秒 空间限制:C/C++ 32768K,其他语言65536K 64bit IO Format: %lld 题目描述 Farmer John has decided to give each of his cows a cell phone in hopes to encourage their social int

[洛谷]P2853 [USACO06DEC]牛的野餐Cow Picnic (#图的遍历)

题目描述 The cows are having a picnic! Each of Farmer John's K (1 ≤ K ≤ 100) cows is grazing in one of N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000) pastures, conveniently numbered 1...N. The pastures are connected by M (1 ≤ M ≤ 10,000) one-way paths (no path connects a pasture