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JAVA15.JDK15.6 Record二次预览特性

第六讲Record 视频课:https://edu.csdn.net/lecturer/1516 历史渊源: JEP359: JEP384: ​ 疫情原因,欧美程序员没有变化。 ​ 2019,java语言架构师,Brian Goetz,“太啰嗦、繁文缛节”。创建纯粹的数据类,大量低价值、重复、易出错的代码:构造方法、getter/setter、equals、hashCode

backup RFC connection and parter profile

before system copy , we want to keep all the RFC interface : here is the step:  Copy all entries of the following tables to the transport of copy request:R3TR TABU  EDIPHONE                     EDIPO                   


1.将类中的对象关联起来 class Person: def __init__(self,name,age,sex): self.name = name self.age = age self.sex = sex self.parter = None #先置空,后面赋值(用于关联对象) def do_private_stuff(self): pass p1 = Pe