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attention有立正的意思,但也可以call people to listen to an announcement, etc: "Attention, please. Could Passenger Ross Geller please proceed to Gate 25 immediately." military command: 军事口令 fall in: take one's place in a military formation or line squa


shell脚本里面用hive -e" xxxxxx " 来运行sql。 xxxxx是sql内容。 shell脚本是在windows环境下用idea编写的。 把sql内容单独放在hue上运行成功,但是用azkaban运行报错。 查找报错原因又说是用了hive关键词,发现user是关键词。把user改为users.另外子查询也用了别名但是仍然报错


CEO(Chief executive officer)首席执行官  CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官  CIO(Chief information officer)首席信息官  CFO(Chief financial officer)首席财务官  COO(Chief operating officer)首席运营官 对各个简称的更详尽解释如下: CEO(Chief Executive Offi

My Keywords

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/xmankan/archive/2006/10/11/526522.html Do you know all of the words below? International Chamber of Commerce Terms (INCOTERMS)Optical Character Recognition (ORC) acidalohabedlamitebeverageBezierbudgetby


  没有两家公司是完全一样的组织结构。一家公司的部门设置是取决于公司的需要和它是如何组织起来的。这里有一些最常见的部门名称:   Human Resources (HR) 人力资源部门 – HR