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从图中可以看出odb对象的基本结构主要分为两大部分:ModelData和ResultData。 其中,ModelData用来定义用于分析计算的模型数据,比如零件、材质、初始条件和边界条件以及物理常数等。ResultData用来描述分析计算的结果,比如应力、应变和位移等。 如果用python解析odb文件,必须导入abaqus

3 Working with Persistent Objects ODB使用持久对象

The previous chapters gave us a high-level overview of ODB and showed how to use it to store C++ objects in a database. In this chapter we will examine the ODB object persistence model as well as the core database APIs in greater detail. We will start wit

4 ODB Querying the Database 数据库查询

If we don't know the identifiers of the objects that we are looking for, we can use queries to search the database for objects matching certain criteria. The ODB query facility is optional and we need to explicitly request the generation of the neces

9 ODB Sections

ODB sections are an optimization mechanism that allows us to partition data members of a persistent class into groups that can be separately loaded and/or updated. This can be useful, for example, if an object contains expensive to load or update data mem

5 可供ODB使用的标准容器(5 Containers)

5 Containers   The ODB runtime library provides built-in persistence support for all the commonly used standard C++98/03 containers, namely, std::vector, std::list, std::deque, std::set, std::multiset, std::map, and std::multimap as well as C++11 st

Allegro Inside ODB++ 安装

allegro odb++ 工具下载地址: http://www.valor.com/en.aspx 请选择操作系统您要下载的ODB + +内包装和单击相应的链接。 http://www.valor.com/en/Products/ODBpp/Cadence Allegro_Inside% 20Package.aspx 下载并安装文件 “ odb_inside_install.nt.v800.exe ” 安装完成后设置环