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contaminate [from contamen 'contact'] →contaminant, contamination, pollute pollutant, pollution Is There A Difference Between Pollution And Contamination? Pollution primarily deals with waste materials that harm the air, soil, water, and space.

1. Nuclear Reactor(二分)

Problem - 1 - Codeforces 1. Nuclear Reactor time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Dream Land has nn nuclear reactor plants. Each of the plants is positioned on a straight l

算法训练 Anagrams问题

算法训练 Anagrams问题 问题描述   Anagrams指的是具有如下特性的两个单词:在这两个单词当中,每一个英文字母(不区分大小写)所出现的次数都是相同的。例如,“Unclear”和“Nuclear”、“Rimon”和“MinOR”都是Anagrams。编写一个程序,输入两个单词,然后判断一下,这两个单词是否是

[CF71E]Nuclear Fusion

题目 传送门 题解 这个原子序数是真的狗 首先,看一下那可怜的数据范围:\(1\le k\le n\le 17\),那么小?考虑直接暴力... 考虑定义暴力函数 dfs(const int now,const int s) 为我们已经处理到目标原子 \(now\),而剩下的元素情况为 \(s\) 的局面,显然 \(s\) 是一个小雨等于 \(2^{17}\) 的二


原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/feixian49/articles/1314165.html 物理专业英语词汇(H-N)   H h maser 氢微波激射器氢脉泽 h parameter h参数 h region h 区 h theorem h 定理 haag araki theory 哈格 荒木理论 haag kastler theorem 哈格 卡斯特勒

Nuclear Power Plant ZOJ - 3840 树形dp

There are N (1 ≤ N ≤ 105) cities on land, and there are N - 1 wires connecting the cities. Therefore, each city can transmit electricity to all other cities by these wires. Dark_Sun made a decision to build a nuclear power plant to supply electricity for