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python – Django 1.7:Makemigration:不可空的字段

我想在我的项目中使用django-orderedmodel(https://github.com/kirelagin/django-orderedmodel). 运行makemigrations不起作用: You are trying to add a non-nullable field 'order' to slide without a default; we can't do that (the database needs something to popula


在C#中,Nullable< T> type不满足where struct generic约束(而AFAK这在技术上是一个struct).这可用于指定泛型参数必须是不可为空的值类型: T DoSomething<T>() where T : struct { //... } DoSomething<int?>(); //not ok DoSomething<int>(); //ok 当然,Nullable< T>也不满

java – Android:NullPointerException尽管@NonNull

我正在使用注释来确保参数不为null,假设这会导致编译器检查. public @Nullable ApplicationAccount accountForKey(@NonNull String key) { return accounts.get(key); } 但是,通过运行此代码,我在此行上得到了NullPointerException java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMa