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left join

select n.node_id,m.mould_id from em_node_stock as n left join em_node_deliver_result_mould as m on n.node_id=m.node_id;左表 em_node_stock  右表 em_node_deliver_result_mould 保留左表的全部内容,右表跟随左表匹配  

Syringe Mould-Syringe Plastic Mould Structure: 3 Features

The design and manufacture of syringe moulds are closely related to plastic processing. The success or failure of plastic processing depends largely on the mould design effect and mould manufacturing quality, and the plastic mould design is based on the c

Syringe Mould-Syringe Mould: What Are The Characteristics

1. Choose nickel-plated mould base, which can reach higher medical standards.2. The cavity core steel material uses Stavax S420 produced by Assab of Sweden, which is stainless steel steel and tempered steel material 3. The injection gate type uses hot

Vaginal Speculum Mould -Vaginal Speculum Use

So, what exactly is a Vaginal Speculum ? The expander is a smooth, insertable column that is usually included in a kit and includes 3 to 5 units that increase in size. They can be made of plastic, glass or silicone. The smallest size is usually 0.5 to 0.7

Laboratory Plastic Ware Mould - Syringe Plastic Mold Design: 3 Points

Syringe mold design and manufacturing are closely related to plastic processing. The success or failure of plastic processing depends largely on the mold design effect and mold manufacturing quality, while the plastic mold design is based on the correct p