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机器学习技法笔记:08 Adaptive Boosting

Roadmap Motivation of Boosting Diversity by Re-weighting Adaptive Boosting Algorithm Adaptive Boosting in Action Summary

机器学习技法笔记:02 Dual Support Vector Machine

Roadmap Motivation of Dual SVM Lagrange Dual SVM Solving Dual SVM Messages behind Dual SVM Summary

吴恩达机器学习笔记52-异常检测的问题动机与高斯分布(Problem Motivation of Anomaly Detection& Gaussian Distribution)

一、问题动机     异常检测(Anomaly detection)问题是机器学习算法的一个常见应用。这种算法的一个有趣之处在于:它虽然主要用于非监督学习问题,但从某些角度看,它又类似于一些监督学习问题。   给定数据集

How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide

How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide by James Clear Read this on JamesClear.com  According to researchers at Duke University, habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviors on any given day. [1] Understanding how to build new habit