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vue打包报错built files are meant to be served over an HTTP server.

Tip: built files are meant to be served over an HTTP server.Opening index.html over file:// won't work. 这个其实 就是个 提示并不是报错。 其实 这句话 是告诉 我们 vue打包过后 需要放在服务端 才能预览 打开 如果不放在 服务端 不能正常运行的   如果你想正常

解决requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL ‘xxx‘: No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant“xxx”

在使用requests请求接口的时候有时候会爆出个这样的问题,问题的大概意思是无效的url,也就是说这个url是没有效果是错误的,这就就要检查一下url是否符合规定,是否少加了协议 import requests a=requests.get(url="www.baidu.com") #缺少协议,这样请求会报错 print(a.json()) b=

Anti forgery token is meant for user "" but the current user is "username"

Anti forgery token is meant for user "" but the current user is "username" 回答1 This is happening because the anti-forgery token embeds the username of the user as part of the encrypted token for better validation. When you first call

GRE Vocabulary:chromatic - unctuous

1.  chromatic     The chromatic wheel shows how all the colors relate.     ( highly colored )    2.  coalesce     The members coalesced into one team.     (to come together to form one group or mass)   3.  unctuous     I don't tr