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How to Best Spend Our Leisure Time

     Most of us find it difficult to spend our leisure properly. When we have holidays, we usually feel bored and do not know what to do. Some just sit in a sofa watching TV , while others stay in bed to make an adventure in dreams.      Actually, the f

【464】文本转字符向量bag of words

利用 sklearn.feature_extraction.text 中的 CountVectorizer 来实现 首先获取所有的文本信息 然后将文本信息转化为从 0 开始的数字 获取转换后的字符向量 参见如下代码: >>> text_01 = "My name is Alex Lee." >>> text_02 = "I like singing and playing basketball." >>>

【雅思】雅思核心词汇精讲-unit 4

Unit 4 Lifestyles 词汇精讲 out-   outdoor, outlook   满足 fulfil-英式 fulfill-美式 fulfill sth.--很早就想做然后终于做到 cause it to happen -- 不是想要去做而是指应该做而去做--fulfill one's duty fulfill -- satisfy -- 及物+人等 fulfilment -- 不可数n. satis