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Lab10 mmap

Lab10 mmap(hard) (期末复习操作系统的时候,过于无聊,因为题目都写不来,于是做了这个lab,比做题有意思多了。这个实验是hard,不过我做的很顺利,感觉有一种自己变强的假象hhh) void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset); 这个实验要

2021 fall cs61a lab10

网址 https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs61a/fa21/lab/lab10/ problem1: problem1-6:

Lab10 of CS61A of UCB

Q2: Over or Under Define a procedure over-or-under which takes in a number num1 and a number num2 and returns the following: -1 if num1 is less than num2 0 if num1 is equal to num2 1 if num1 is greater than num2 Challenge: Implement this in 2 differen