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OpenCV 里的sigma 是多少

std::vector<double> createGaussianKernal( int kernal_size , float sigma=0 ) { int radius = kernal_size / 2; //sigma = sigma > 0 ? sigma : radius*0.3 + 0.8; std::vector<double> kernal;// (kernal_size); for (int i = -radius;

Linux Kernal FS-SuperBlock(1)

The first part of the artical has nothing to do with our topic, please pay attention.   Trying to start the topic of file system in Linux kernal is difficult for me.So It's better to start with a story.Also I have to announce that I am not writting a

OpenShift 4 - 定制 RHCOS Linux的Kernal参数

《OpenShift 4.x Hands-on Lab》 文章目录 关闭节点的SELinux启动节点的实时kernel 关闭节点的SELinux 虽不建议在生产环境关闭SELinux, 但是关闭SELinux 可以提示2% - 3%的性能。 创建内容为下的05-worker-kernelarg-selinuxoff.yaml文件,其中定义了关闭selinux的MachinC


掩膜处理 简单来说,先做一个矩阵(mask或kernal),如红色部分,然后像一块膜一样,自左向右,自上而下抹。     对于抹过中间的像素,其值:    I(i,j) = 5 * I( i , j )  -  [ I(i-1,j) +   I(i+1,j) +  I(i ,j - 1) +  I(i ,j +1)]   就是将值 * 5倍, 再减去周边的值,以达到和

卷积神经网络基本概念(卷积篇 01)

Computer Vision Theory CNN Part 1 简介 1.1 我先后在以下场景下见到过卷积 微分方程 傅立叶变换及其应用 概率论 卷积神经网 1.2 相关阅读 推荐一下 Christopher Olah 的理解卷积的blog http://colah.github.io/posts/2014-07-Understanding-Convolutions/ 数学论证


图像平滑 Smoothing, also called blurring, is a simple and frequently used image processing operation. 平滑,也叫模糊. 本质就是把某点的像素值转换为其及其周围像素值的不同权重的叠加.h(k,l)即为卷积核,或者叫滤波器filter. 有几种常见的filter Normalized Box Filter