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第一步 申请Personal Access Token 从 Github 的 Personal access tokens 页面,点击 Generate new token 第二步 安装项目依赖 npm i request xml-parser blueimp-md5 moment hexo-generator-sitemap -S 项目根目录配置文件 _config.yml 添加配置 12345678# ...# hexo sitemap网


第一步 申请Personal Access Token 从 Github 的 Personal access tokens 页面,点击 Generate new token 第二步 安装项目依赖 npm i request xml-parser blueimp-md5 moment hexo-generator-sitemap -S 项目根目录配置文件 _config.yml 添加配置 12345678# ...# hexo sitemap网

mybaits-plus+druid 使用 LocalDateTime 出现nested exception is java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException

解决方案一(推荐)目前druid已经修复了这个问题并提交了新版本,最优直接选择升级druid 至 1.1.21 或以上 releases 版本地址 https://github.com/alibaba/druid/releases/tag/1.1.21 解决方案二在druid 的GitHub中有关于这个异常的issues https://github.com/alibaba/druid/issues/3


最近打开vscode自动弹出cli,js    我去官网上查 https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/91613 发现是我之前在兼容性里面设置了以管理员打开vscode导致的    取消掉就不会出现了

JeecgBoot 3.3.0 版本发布,基于代码生成器的企业级低代码平台

项目介绍 JeecgBoot是一款企业级的低代码平台!前后端分离架构 SpringBoot2.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis-plus,Shiro,JWT 支持微服务。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成! JeecgBoot引领低代码开发模式(OnlineCoding-> 代码生成-> 手工MERGE), 帮助解决Java项目70%的重复工

Redis Issues

主从不同步 Error condition on socket for SYNC: No route to host 可能的原因: 网络不通; 防火墙拦截 NOAUTH Authentication required 从库未配置参数masterauth,值为主库的requirepass Partial resynchronization not possible (no cached master) 从库出现 Partial resynchron

Module compiles, but editor shows compilation issues

Module compiles, but editor shows compilation issues  answered Arnoud Glimmerveen Created April 18, 2014 11:01   Since I reorganized my environment today (New project, clean checkout of code from SVN), I have not been able to edit code without the

Unbuntu VS Code启动时闪退暂时的解决方法

背景: 刚刚试着更新了操作系统,没更新成功,在下载系统更新的时候brave浏览器消失了,wps消失了,搜狗拼音输入法消失了。更新时,卡在Kernal Offset上,然后长按电源键再重启就好了。但是vscode打开时会闪退了。 操作系统版本: pop-os Linux VSCode版本: 打开vscode时最后报的错: GPU process


这是个有意思的提问在官方的github issues 附上地址 https://github.com/redis/redis/issues/757 提问时间是2012年 9年了 老炒饭了 其实上面意思就是说了为了安全传输什么的 但是你以为真的就天真了 最新官方文档 真相大白 附上链接 https://github.com/redis/redis-doc/pu

vite ts pinia project, vue devtools not work for pinia bug All In One

vite ts pinia project, vue devtools not work for pinia bug All In One ❌ ✅ Google Chrome Checking for updates Version 102.0.4987.0 (Official Build) dev (x86_64) https://github.com/xgqfrms/Vue-3.x/issues/4 issues https://github.com/vuejs/pinia/issues/

flutter androidstudio Alt + Enter 不显示 Wrap with a new widget

这是因为没有开Quick assist powered by the Dart Analysis Server 打开设置,搜索assistant   把这个勾搭上就行了 参考:https://github.com/flutter/flutter-intellij/issues/2448  


你好呀,我是歪歪。 前几天在 github 上冲浪的时候,发现了两个宝藏东西。 我也不藏着掖着了,拿出来给大家分享一下。 这两个宝藏是关于 arthas 和 SOFARegistry 的,这两个东西都是阿里开源的项目。 arthas 大家应该都比较耳熟能详了,知道它是阿里搞出来的一款 Java 诊断工具。 而 SOFARe

如何在bash shell脚本当中激活conda环境(in Linux vscode)

https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/7980#issuecomment-472651966 export -f conda export -f __conda_activate export -f __conda_reactivate export -f __conda_hashr source activate ENV_NAME

[转]Confluence Jira Issues Macro(Jira Issues宏)

本文转自:https://doc.devpod.cn/conf/jira-issues-macrojira-issues-9732199.html ira Issues Macro(Jira Issues宏)   本文翻译自官方文档:https://confluence.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=139380 将Jira Issues宏添加到页面以显示来自Jira的信息。

[转]Jira Dashboards in Confluence: 4 Easy Steps to Monitoring Jira Projects

本文转自:https://www.idalko.com/jira-dashboards-confluence/ This article was written by Maria Kurnosenko from Stiltsoft.  Jira is one of the intuitive project management tools used by companies of all sizes for tracking tasks and managing workflow. When combi

DataHub: 现代数据栈的元数据平台--如何快速验证所有组件容器都在正确的运行?

databub中的组件较多,并且都在docker 容器中运行,那么如何快速验证所有组件容器都在正确的运行呢? 本文提供如下3类检查方式 使用datahub内置工具检查 使用docker 命令检查 检查组件数据初始化是否正常? 最后针对检查出的常见问题,提供解决方案。 1. 使用datahub内置工具检查 如

[转]Jira Issues Macro

本文转自:https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/jira-issues-macro-139380.html Add the Jira Issues macro to a page to display information from Jira. You can display a single issue, a list of issues, or a count, based on a JIRA Query Language (JQL) search, filte

[转]Jira Chart Macro

本文转自:https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/jira-chart-macro-427623467.html Add the Jira Charts macro to a page to build visual graphs and charts from information in Jira.  This is great for: team meetings and retrospectives project status updates sharing

[转]Jira ScriptRunner Behaviours Examples Subtask Default Fields

本文转自:https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/recipes/behaviours/subtask-default-fields.html This example shows you how to use default fields on the Create action for subtasks, derived from the parent issue fields.   The key to this is getting t

[转]Insert the Jira issues macro create and display Jira issues on Confluence pages

本文转自:https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/insert-the-jira-issues-macro/ Insert the Jira issues macro If your Confluence site is connected to a Jira application, you can create and display Jira issues on Confluence pages. You can co


本文转自:https://docs.atlassian.com/jira-software/6.7.6/com/atlassian/greenhopper/service/issue/flagging/FlagService.html com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.issue.flagging Interface FlagService All Known Implementing Classes:FlagServiceImpl public interfa

undefined symbol: _dl_sym, version GLIBC_PRIVATE

 ImportError: /home/tux/conda/envs/real_sem/lib/python3.8/site-packages/paddle/fluid/core_avx.so: undefined symbol: _dl_sym, version GLIBC_PRIVATE github已经提问,大家随时关注paddle ImportError,大佬救命 · Issue #1756 · PaddlePaddle/PaddleSeg · GitHubhttp

This week in Databend #19

Databend aimed to be an open source elastic and reliable cloud warehouse, it offers blazing fast query and combines elasticity, simplicity, low cost of the cloud, built to make the Data Cloud easy. Big changes Below is a list of some major changes that we

dubbo 集成 nacos注册中心 ,配置列表会自动创建很多无关的配置

  解决方案:  https://github.com/apache/dubbo/issues/6645https://github.com/apache/dubbo/issues/6645

apache kyuubi Frontend 支持mysql 协议

当然此特性还在开发中,是一个比较期待的特性,可以简化我们对于spark 的使用,后续详细介绍下 参考资料 https://github.com/apache/incubator-kyuubi/issues/1219