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[LeetCode] 919. Complete Binary Tree Inserter

A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes are as far left as possible. Design an algorithm to insert a new node to a complete binary tree keeping it complete after the inser

c++ 自定义inserter

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #include <unordered_set> using namespace std; template<class C> class asso_insert_iterator : public std::iterator<std::output_iterator



STL 迭代器适配器(iterator adapter)

iterator adapter graph LR iterator --- reverse_iterator iterator --- Insert_iterator iterator --- iostream_iterator Insert_iterator --- back_insert_iterator Insert_iterator --- front_insert_iterator Insert_iterator --- insert_iterator 插入迭代器:将一般迭代器

c – STL堆栈和priority_queue的插入器

std :: vector,std :: list和std :: deque有std :: back_inserter,而std :: set有std :: inserter. 对于std :: stack和std :: priority_queue,我认为等效的插入器将是一个push(),但我似乎无法找到正确的函数来调用. 我的意图是能够使用以下函数和正确的插入迭代器: #include <stri

c – 插入迭代器与容器的成员函数插入器

我过去两周一直在研究stl,并且一直在处理很多vector< T>,deque< T>和list< T>.我一直在使用push_back(),push_front(),insert().目前,我已经介绍了“插入迭代器”,其中包括: > back_insert_iterator,类似于push_back(),并且要求容器具有push_back()函数才能工作 > front_insert_iter

leetcode 919. Complete Binary Tree Inserter

If you are familiar with both heap and complete binary tree, you'll find them much the same in finding parent. Mark from tree node with index 1, and the subsequent layer of nods with 2, 3, and the next layer 4,5,6,7, you'll find that node with

leetcode_919. Complete Binary Tree Inserter

https://leetcode.com/problems/complete-binary-tree-inserter/ 设计一个CBTInserter,使用给定完全二叉树初始化。三个功能; CBTInserter(TreeNode root) initializes the data structure on a given tree with head node root; CBTInserter.insert(int v) will insert a Tre

C++ back_inserter(插入迭代器)用法

// back_inserter example #include <iostream> // std::cout #include <iterator> // std::back_inserter #include <vector> // std::vector #include <algorithm> // std::copy using namespace std; int main () { std::vecto