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【论文阅读-室内场景合成:交互度量】Human-centric metrics for indoor scene assessment and synthesis
【关键词】3D modeling、Environment assessment、Indoor scene synthesis 【主要问题】对于已知类型的房间(已知摆放物品、已知房间形状、门窗位置)布局 【主要思想】定义以人为中心的度量来定量评估布局的质量(Human-Centric Metrics) 【主要方法】 定量评估方法 Human-object facScanNet: Richly-annotated 3D Reconstructions of Indoor Scenes摘要和简介翻译
ScanNet: Richly-annotated 3D Reconstructions of Indoor Scenes ScanNet: 大量标注的室内场景三维重建 Abstract 摘要 A key requirement for leveraging supervised deep learning methods Is the availability of large, labeled datasets. Unfortunately, in th论文笔记:GEOMETRIC CONTEXT AND ORIENTATION MAP COMBINATION FOR INDOOR CORRIDOR MODELING USING A SINGLE I
GEOMETRIC CONTEXT AND ORIENTATION MAP COMBINATION FOR INDOOR CORRIDOR MODELING USING A SINGLE IMAGE(ISPRS 2016) 传统方法恢复房间布局,本文侧重对走廊图片进行布局恢复,主要分以下步骤:消失点估计,基于消失点的布局生成,布局评分(结合方向图OM和几何上下文GC) Vanishinmybatis 父子关系递归查询,父子菜单
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搞了3天终于把Django成功部署到Ubuntu,记录一下; 引用来自泡泡茶壶: Ubuntu下的Nginx + Uwsgi + Django项目部署详细流程 前提说明: Django作为小程序的后端,因小程序的请求到后端的都是https请求,所以Django必须支持https请求 写在前面: 部署Django项目前,先用Django自带服务器运行一下看Indoor Signal Focusing with Deep Learning Designed Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Indoor Signal Focusing with Deep Learning Designed Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Chongwen Huang1 , George C. Alexandropoulos2 , Chau Yuen1 , and Merouane Debbah ´ 3,4 1Singapore University of Technology and Design, 487372 Singapore Phrases compri