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2023版更新记录:   2023 Edition update Record:   1. 增加了阶乘计算的能力。   1. Increased a rank to multiply by calculating ability.   2.增加了计算独立事件的概率和排列组合的能力。   2.Increased to compute independent affairs all rate and the arrange and th

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2023版更新记录:   2023 Edition update Record:   1. 增加了各种浮点数的排序的能力。   1.Increased the ability of various row preface that float a point.   2.增加了各种结果输出的能力。   2.Increased various result output's ability.   3.中英文双语的界面。  

[CodeForces] D. Make The Fence Great Again

Problem   Each fence is increased at most 2 times, so dp[i][j] is the min cost to make A[0, i] great with the last fence A[i] increased j times. The answer is min of dp[n - 1][].  

IPAdr2023网络计算器IP Address Computer Edition 2023 download

2023版更新记录:   2023 Edition update Record:   1. 增加了网络地址计算的能力。   1. Increased the calculating ability of the network address.   2.增加了计算子网的掩码和其它功能的能力。   2.Increased the calculation son Yan code of the net and the ability o

A performance comparison among data structures in concurrent programming

This document is about a performance comparison among a number data structures in concurrent programming. Tests environment: 1 – 4 threads on Ubuntu20 Tested data structures: integer counter (simple C integer variable counter) [1] Queue ( C structure –