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LeetCode-372 超级次方

题目来源:力扣(LeetCode)链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/super-pow/submissions/ 题目描述 你的任务是计算 ab 对 1337 取模,a 是一个正整数,b 是一个非常大的正整数且会以数组形式给出。 示例 1: 输入:a = 2, b = [3]输出:8 示例 2: 输入:a = 2, b = [1,0]输出:1024 示例 3: 输入:a

windwos 下编译 qsqlibase 驱动(firebird 和 interbase)

编译环境:mingw-w64 使用qtcreator打开ibase.pro,ibase.pro位置例如:R:\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5\src\plugins\sqldrivers\ibase\ibase.pro 添加以下内容 DESTDIR = R:/bin INCLUDEPATH += "D:/develop/database/Firebird/include" LIBS += "D:/develop/databa


参考 https://blog.csdn.net/wxy2635618879/article/details/103968837 作为一个喜爱map的蒟蒻 我突然在CSP前意识到自己根本不会哈希。我对哈希的理解止步于自己yy出的求值。。。 子串哈希 O(1) \(hash=hash_{r}-hash_{l-1}base^{r-l+1}\) 证明: \(hash(1,r)=\sum_{i=1}^r \sum a_

SAP CRM IBASE的archive方法

There is one IBASE 112467 which contains one object component. This IBASE is intended for archive. There are two approaches to archive it. (1) You could use tcode SARA and type “CRM_IBASE” as archive object, and press the buttons “Preproc”, “Write” and


I have one parent equipment ZJERRY0827P which contains a children equipment ZJERRY0827C in ERP and I would like to replicate both to CRM. First I replicate children equipment ZJERRY0827C to CRM, it works. And then I perform a request download to replicate

IBASE read header


SAP IBASE hierarchy remove - debug in ERP step1

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Oct 27, 2014 remove ZJERRY1022C1 from ZJERRY1022O1 in CRM:       first inbound queue:       then in outbound queue:                                                      

SAP IBASE hierarchy remove - step2 handling

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Oct 24, 2014 starting point:                                                                      

IBASE archive write processing report RIBARCHA

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 09, 2014 pre processing执行完毕后,执行write report:       执行完毕后显示achive 结果:       此时因为还未执行delete report,因此DB里对应的entry仍然存在:       查看archiving 状态:              

IBASE category 设置为01的情况下 IBASE自动创建情况

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 06, 2014

manually create IBASE 03 in CRM

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 17, 2014

IBASE header change - read access sequence

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Jan 04, 2015 在application ui上修改IBASE component header field时,       delegate到Genil implementation class的CHANGE_COMPONENT方法。Change方法内首先call IB_IBASE_READ_MULTI去读取IBase 信息:            

IBASE Level up - single parent navigation



   基础命令学习目录首页   原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/lovevivi/p/4359296.html 最近经常要在linux下做一些进制转换,看到了可以使用bc命令,如下: echo "obase=10;ibase=16;CFFF" | bc 用完以后就对bc进行了进一步的了解, man bc里面有详细的使用说明。   1.是什么,怎么