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做题记录整理栈6 T274673 黄校长的大house(有数据)(2022/9/15)

emmm 为了做好这个最大刷墙的模板,甚至专门搞了一个题目 属于是为了吃老婆饼专门找一个老婆了 这题我们可以枚举每个长度的墙面,对于第i个墙面,我们找左边第一个比它小的墙面,序号为x,右边第一个比他矮的墙面,序号为y,那么此时这个墙面会被覆盖到的最大的矩形就是[y-1,x+1]这个区间,长度为

MathProblem 43 Wall and two houses problem

There is a castle surrounded by a circular wall. The wall has a north gate and a south gate. A yellow house lays 3 miles north of the north gate. A blue house lays 9 miles east of the south gate. What is the radius of the circle formed by the wall? Soluti


A cottage is typically a small house. It may carry the connotation of being an old or old-fashioned building. In modern usage, a cottage is usually a modest, often cosy dwelling, typically in a rural or semi-rural location. The cottage orné [French 华丽的],

手动搭建Django虚拟环境,创建项目后pycharm报错:Error:Cannot run program "D:\Python\python.exe" (in direct

整体流程: 一、创建和激活虚拟环境(1、2) 二、安装Django(3) 三、创建Django项目(4) 四、pycharm配置解释器环境(5、6)----报错解决可直接看这部分 五、创建APP(7) 六、运行项目(8) 具体内容: 1、首先我在D:\Django文件夹中通过命令: virtualenv student 创建虚拟环境。 出于好奇,来看看虚拟环

Mysql GROUP_CONCAT函数多个字段合并的使用

select a.xcbh '现场编号',a.xz '被征收人' ,thz_fzmj '土地有证',round(thz_tdmj-thz_fzmj,2) '土地无证',thz_tdmj '土地合计(㎡)',i.房屋框架,i.房屋混合,i.房屋砖木,i.房屋面积合计㎡,t.主要附属物合计㎡_m³,g.其他附属物及青苗 from x as a left join typg_house_zd a

Leetcode 198/213/337 House Robber

198. 已知是非负数组,小偷去抢,偷完一家后,不能再偷邻居,即不能拿隔壁的。  没有排序,没有连续 s0=H0=1; S1=max(S0,H1)=2 S2=max(S1,S0+H2)=4; S3=max(s2,S1+H3)=4;   Sn= max(Sn-1,Sn-2+Hn); =============solution. (因为只有遍历) public solution{   public int rob(int[] nums

Baozi Training Leetcode solution 2320. Count Number of Ways to Place Houses

  Problem Statement  There is a street with n * 2 plots, where there are n plots on each side of the street. The plots on each side are numbered from 1 to n. On each plot, a house can be placed. Return the number of ways houses can be placed such th


一、代理模式的定义 ​ 代理模式给某一个对象提供一个代理对象,并由代理对象控制对原对象的引用。通俗的来讲代理模式就是我们生活中常见的中介 二、为什么要使用代理模式 中介隔离作用:在某些情况下,一个客户类不想或者不能直接引用一个委托对象,而代理类对象可以在客户类和委托对象

[LeetCode] 256. Paint House

There is a row of n houses, where each house can be painted one of three colors: red, blue, or green. The cost of painting each house with a certain color is different. You have to paint all the houses such that no two adjacent houses have the same color.

leetcode 198. House Robber 打家劫舍(中等)

一、题目大意 标签: 动态规划 https://leetcode.cn/problems/house-robber 你是一个专业的小偷,计划偷窃沿街的房屋。每间房内都藏有一定的现金,影响你偷窃的唯一制约因素就是相邻的房屋装有相互连通的防盗系统,如果两间相邻的房屋在同一晚上被小偷闯入,系统会自动报警。 给定一个代表

LeetCode 0213 House Robber II

原题传送门 1. 题目描述 2. Solution 1 1、思路分析 This problem is a little tricky at first glance. However, if you have finished the House Robber problem, this problem can simply be decomposed into two House Robber problems. Suppose there are n houses, since

LeetCode 0198 House Robber

原题传送门 1. 题目描述 2. Solution 1 1、思路分析 Dynamic Programming Intuition: At every i-th house we have two choices to make, i.e., rob the i-th house or don't rob it. Case1 : Don't rob the i-th house - then we can rob the i-1 th house...so we will have m


贪婪算法 贪婪算法也称为最优算法,这种算法并不是最准确的答案,但确认最接近答案的近似算法。 这时候有人会问,不是最准确的答案我要她干嘛?但是在日常中,我们有时候会遇到一些我们无法处理的问题,甚至是要花费成吨的资源也无法很好解决的问题 这时候我们可以考虑使用近似算法,来节约资源


需求: 设计一个家具类 家具有:名字,占地面积 需要格式化输出:XXX家具占地面积是XXXX 设计一个房子类 房子有:户型,面积,家具列表,剩余可使用面积 格式化输出:户型是XXX,总面积是XXX,家具有XXX,剩余可使用面积XXX 添加家具的方法 add_item 代码示例: class HouseItems: """ 定义一个家具

[leetcode] 213. House Robber II

题目 You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed. All houses at this place are arranged in a circle. That means the first house is the neighbor of the last one. Meanwhile, adjacent ho

glibc2.29以上 IO_FILE 及 house of pig

摆烂很长时间之后,终于下定决心来看点新的东西。正好 winmt 师傅前不久把他 pig 修好的附件发给我了,我就借此来学习一下新版本的 IO_FILE 及 house of pig。 新版本的 IO_FILE 利用的函数是老版本中喜欢用的 _IO_str_overflow,我们来看一下 glibc 2.29 下的_IO_str_overflow 的源码

[leetcode] 198. House Robber

题目 You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping you from robbing each of them is that adjacent houses have security systems connected and it will automa


目录 1 序言 1.1 生存压力带来的哲思 1.2 买房&房奴 2 爬虫  2.1 基本概念 2.2 爬虫的基本流程  3 爬取贵阳房价并写入表格 3.1 结果展示 3.2 代码实现(Python)      1 序言 1.1 生存压力带来的哲思 马尔萨斯最早发现,生物按照几何级数高度增殖的天赋能力,总是大于他们的

house of kiwi

没有附件,只能对着别人文章硬看了。(哪个师傅有附件的话联系我一下,感激不尽) 从肥猫师傅本人的 文章 中得知使用 kiwi 的条件有两点: 1、能够触发 __malloc_assert 2、有任意写的能力,修改 _IO_helper_jumps 结构体 kiwi 的流程是 __malloc_assert -> fflush(stderr) -> _IO_helper_jum

House Robber的解法

题目链接:https://leetcode.com/problems/house-robber/ 答案自然是动态规划(Dynamic programming,简称DP)。 代码 func rob1(nums []int) int { lth := len(nums) if lth == 0 { return 0 } dp := make([]int, lth+1) dp[1] = nums[0] for i := 2; i < lth+1; i++ {


题目链接:https://acs.jxnu.edu.cn/problem/CF15A 题目:Cottage Village 描述: A new cottage village called «Flatville» is being built in Flatland. By now they have already built in «Flatville» n square houses with the centres on the Оx-axis. The houses' si

House robber

198. House Robber Medium 10797236Add to ListShare You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping you from robbing each of them is that adjacent houses

my live house soud / audio / Hi-Fi / xiaodu dajingang

s 问题1:小度大金刚音箱如何恢复出厂设置? 解决1: 1.长按音响顶部的三角键。2.听到提示音后,长按【关闭麦克风】键,听到音响语音提示: “欢迎使用小度AI音箱,请按照手机客户端的提示进行配置吧”,恢复出厂值设置即成功了。   end

GoLang设计模式01 - 建造者模式

建造者模式是一种创建型模式,主要用来创建比较复杂的对象。 建造者模式的使用场景: 建造者模式通常适用于有多个构造器参数或者需要较多构建步骤的场景。使用建造者模式可以精简构造器参数的数量,让构建过程更有条理。 可以为同一个产品提供两个不同的实现。比如,在下面的代码中,为ho

A Child's History of England.192

Next day, the House of Commons send [send sth by post] into the City to let the Lord Mayor know that their privileges are invaded by the King, and that there is no safety for anybody or anything. Then, when the five members are gone out of the way [far],