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一、 Python 为列表类型提供了一系列内置操作,包括append()、insert()、pop()、remove()等函数,能够很方便的处理上述列表元素变化的情况。我们以上述客人名单列表为例介绍这几种列表操作方法。 添加列表元素 Python 提供了append()和insert()等函数,实现向一个列表增加新元素的功

Python 玩转列表(educoder)

第1关:列表元素的增删改:客人名单的变化 # coding=utf-8 # 创建并初始化Guests列表 guests = [] while True:     try:         guest = input()         guests.append(guest)     except:         break      # 请在此添加代码,对


添加列表元素 Python 提供了append()和insert()等函数,实现向一个列表增加新元素的功能。 (1)在列表尾部添加元素 在 Python 中,可以使用append()方法向一个列表的尾部追加一个元素,其基本语法如下: source_list.append(obj) 其中: source_list:待修改的列表; obj:待插入的元素。 例如,

Missing dollar riddle

Missing dollar riddle The missing dollar riddle is a famous riddle that involves an informal fallacy. It is old, dating back to at least the 1930s, although similar puzzles are much older.[1] Although the wording and specifics can vary, the puzzle runs al



C. Hilbert's Hotel

链接:https://codeforces.ml/contest/1345/problem/C Hilbert's Hotel is a very unusual hotel since the number of rooms is infinite! In fact, there is exactly one room for every integer, including zero and negative integers. Even stranger, the hotel is cur

web app

Plus0ne Project RequirementsOverview:Plus0ne is an early stage startup based in San Francisco, California. The product of Plus0ne is a web app for creating events and allowing guest interactions in a way that doesn’t require sign-ups or being attached to

D. Cow and Snacks 并查集

  D. Cow and Snacks 题意:有n种小吃,m个人,每个人有两种喜欢的小吃,当一个人遇到两种自己都喜欢的小吃,可以都吃掉,问在最优的吃小吃顺序下,不能吃到自己喜欢的小吃的人数最少是多少?   题解:把n种小吃当作n个点,m个人当作m条边,每个连通图里面第一个吃的人,一定是可以吃两种自己喜欢的小吃

D. Cow and Snacks codeforces # 585 div2 小思维题

D. Cow and Snacks time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output The legendary Farmer John is throwing a huge party, and animals from all over the world are hanging out at his house. His guests