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Modeling Our World书

前言 All geographic information systems (GIS) are built using formal models that describe how things are located in space. A formal model is an abstract and well-defined system of concepts. It defines the vocabulary that we can use to describe and reason ab


--批量对符合条件的表记录进行更新 --aa代表查询出的符合条件数据的别名 --aa后的表示需要符合的条件 --loop后开始写更新操作 begin for aa in (select a.objectid from geographic_info a, geographic_info_bf b where a.objectid = b.objectid


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arcgis 地理坐标系 699个,投影坐标系是4767

import arcpy# Get the list of spatial references and print it.srs = arcpy.ListSpatialReferences(spatial_reference_type="PCS")i=1for sr_name in srs: arcpy.AddMessage("i:"+str(i)+","+sr_name) i=i+1   消息执行: 脚本开始时间: Mon Se