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STA 108 Fall 2019

STA 108 Fall 2019Sections B01-B02Project I - Due Friday, Oct 25th, by 5pm.Directions* You are allowed to work by yourself or with a partner. No more than 2 people per group.* Read all instructions carefully. You may only ask the TA, your group partner (if

Raspberry Zero 上实现平滑视频图传

在某些应用场合我们可能需要通过一个设备通过WIFI将图像传到其它的机器进行显示或者图形分析,那怎么可以低成本地实现呢?其实很简单,我们只需要一块 Raspberry Zero W 和一个RPI 摄像头就行了,两个加起来成本也只不过150左右。 这个组合不单单只是实现一个图传,最重要的是Raspberry


1、What would happen if Facebook were turned off? Title: Body: merit 优点、价值    deactivate 关闭    profile 档案、账号    boost 提高、增强    loth 不愿意的    reluctance 勉强 vanish 消失    thrive 繁荣、兴旺    facilitate 使便利     2、Cri