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Codeforces翻译 - Theatre Square

Link: Problem - A - Codeforces time limit per test: 1 second 每次测试限制时间: 1秒 memory limit per test: 256 megabytes 每次测试限制内存: 256MB input: standard input 输入:标准输入 output: standard output  输出:标准输出 Theatre Square in the capital city of

2022.01.17翻译Theatre Square

题目 (https://acs.jxnu.edu.cn/problem/CF1A)描述: Theatre Square in the capital city of Berland has a rectangular shape with the size  n × m meters. On the occasion of the city's anniversary, a decision was taken to pave  the Square with square granite fl


戏剧广场 每次测试时间限制:2秒 每次测试存储限制:64megabytes(兆字节=Mb) 输入:标准输入 输出:标准输出 Berland的首都有一个尺寸为n*m平米的矩形戏剧广场。趁着城市周年庆的occasion(时机)(在这个城市的周年纪念之际),决定用square granite flagstones(方花岗岩石板)来铺装广场。每