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【通信】基于matlab扩频通信系统仿真【含Matlab源码 968期】

一、简介 二、源代码 % the basic codes from the generating poly from the book spread spectrum applications on commercial systems function[code1, code2] = BasicSeq(m) N = 2^m - 1; sreg = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]; % register for cod


版本一 /** * @brief Compute inner product of two ranges. * * Starting with an initial value of @p __init, multiplies successive * elements from the two ranges and adds each product into the accumulated * value using operator+(). The va

[题解]洛咕P1629 邮递员送信

链接 一个邮递员要从一号点到每个点再回来,求最短路 题目说一次只能去一个点,这样就简单了,求每个点最短路 怎么求回来的最短路?每个点跑一次dijkstra?这样会T 只要反向建边,再求点1到各点的最短路不就行了吗?(可以画个图手算一遍) 代码:   #include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<cs