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csv库常用封装 import csv def csv_write_dict(path, fieldnames, dic_row_list): """ 字典形式写入csv文件 :param fieldnames: [] :param dic_row_list: [{},{}] :return: """ with open(path, 'w

Delphi DEV 排序 转 RO 排序

DEV 排序 转 RO 排序 procedure devToRoSort(AGtv:TcxGridDBTableView;ATbl:TDAMemDataTable); procedure TfrmICMO_10.devToRoSort(AGtv:TcxGridDBTableView;ATbl:TDAMemDataTable); var I: integer; FieldNames:array of string; Directions:array of TDASortDirect



arcgis python 表属性转html

import arcpyimport sysimport stringimport ostablePath = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)filePath = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)outfile = open(filePath, "w")fields = arcpy.ListFields(tablePath)fieldNames = []for field in fields: if (field.type <&

DataTable.Select("Distinct") Implementation (Citation)

原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/HenryLiang/archive/2006/09/26/DataTable_Select_Distinct.html This block of code is to implement a "Select Distinct" data row from a data table.  The origin of this code is from http://weblogs.a


习题1:读入文件pmi_days.csv,完成以下操作:1.统计质量等级对应的天数,例如:优:5天良:3天中度污染:2天2.找出PMI2.5的最大值和最小值,分别指出是哪一天。 import csv you=0 liang=0 zhong=0 list=[] list1=[] with open("pmi_days.csv", 'r') as f:     reader = csv.reader(f)     f