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子传父 vue3新特性

父组件 : <template> <div class="app"> <h2>当前计数: {{ counter }}</h2> <!-- 1.自定义add-counter, 并且监听内部的add事件 --> <add-counter @add="addBtnClick"></add-counter> </div> </temp

Vue3 在 Element-plus中 v-model, update:modelValue 线上环境报错

Vue3 在 Element-plus中 v-model, update:modelValue 线上环境报错 modelValue is not defined,在本地开发环境没有问题 01)错误场景复现 <template> <!-- 父组件--> <div class="fei-parent"> <p> <button @click="visible=true"> 打开弹窗


   Extraneous non-emits event listeners (swiperimageload) were passed to component but could not be automatically inherited because component renders fragment or text root nodes. If the listener is intended to be a component custom event listener only, de

vue3.2 v-model

注意点:<Children v-model:text='textBoxValue'/> 不能省略v-model, <template> <h1>Parent</h1> <h2>{{textBoxValue}}</h2> <Children v-model:text='textBoxValue'/> </template> <script