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The Love of a King -- 10 The Wedding

10 The Wedding      The next morning Edward telephoned Wallis from Boulogne. 'Did you listen to me on the radio?' he asked. 'Yes, of course,' she said. 'And how did you feel?' 'I was sitting in my room alone,' Walli

A Child's History of England.67

Out of bad things, good things sometimes arise. Out of this hanging of the innocent merchant, and the bloodshed and strife [冲突] it caused, there came to be established one of the greatest powers that the English people now possess. The preparations for th

【第二类斯特林数+容斥原理】Codeforces-140E. New Year Garland

题目链接(https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/140/E) E. New Year Garland time limit per test 5 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output As Gerald, Alexander, Sergey and Gennady are already busy with the usua

axios中post请求 json 和 application/x-www-form-urlencoded

前端向后端传输数据时,如果是get传输,直接传在url后;如果是post传输,则在请求体body中传输。 在body中的数据格式又有两种,一种是  json  数据格式,另一种是 字符串。具体要用哪种格式取决于后端入参的格式。   如果后端接收json数据类型,post 的 headers 需要设置 { ‘content-typ