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进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报八年级第36期答案汇总   Emotional eating is when people use food as a way to deal with feelings instead of satisfying hunger.Have you ever finished a whole bag of chips out of boredom or downed cookie after cookie while preparing


一、静态方法 可以利用@staticmethod装饰器把一个方法变成一个静态方法。静态方法不可以方法实例变量或者类变量,也就是说不可以使用self.属性这样子调用实例属性了。其实静态方法就和类本身没什么关系了,它和类 唯一的关联就是需要通过类名来调用这个方法。 错误调用方式: 复制代码

【leetcode】875. Koko Eating Bananas

Koko loves to eat bananas. There are n piles of bananas, the ith pile has piles[i] bananas. The guards have gone and will come back in h hours. Koko can decide her bananas-per-hour eating speed of k. Each hour, she chooses some pile of bananas and ea


Dart语言零基础学习笔记(十八) Dart多态多态就是父类定义一个方法不去实现,让继承他的子类去实现,每个子类有不同的表现。子类的实例赋值给父类的引用 Dart多态 Datr中的多态:允许将子类类型的指针赋值给父类类型的指针, 同一个函数调用会有不同的执行效果 。 多态就是父类定


实验六 线程同步实验 https://www.icourse163.org/learn/UESTC-1003040002?tid=1455108444#/learn/content?type=detail&id=1228729539&cid=1245454470   需求描述     程序流程图       知识点记录:     实验的一种实现方式: 1 #include "stdio.h" 2 #include "std


线程同步可以定义为一种方法,借助这种方法,可以确信两个或更多的并发线程不会同时访问被称为临界区的程序段。 另一方面,正如我们所知道的那样,临界区是共享资源被访问的程序的一部分。 因此,同步是通过同时访问资源来确保两个或更多线程不相互连接的过程。 下图显示了四个线程同时尝试


1 # define N 5 2 # define LEFT (i + N - 1) % N 3 # define RIGHT (i + 1) % N 4 # define THINKING 0 5 # define HUNGRY 1 6 # define EATING 2 7 typedef int semaphore; 8 int state[N]; 9 semaphore mutex = 1; 10 semaphore s[N]; 11 12 void philosopher(i


  1、 >>> def a(): print("begin eating!") >>> print("starting!") starting! >>> a() begin eating! >>> print("ending") ending ↓ >>> def a(): print("starting!&quo

[atARC099F]Eating Symbols Hard

记操作序列为$S$,令$h(S)\equiv \sum_{i}a_{i}x^{i}(mod\ p)$(其中$a_{i}$为操作后的结果) (以下我们将$S$看作字符串,相邻即拼接操作) 对于操作,有$h(1S)=xh(S)$,$h(3S)=h(S)+1$(另外两种操作类似),这可以看作一个函数,即定义函数$g_{S_{1}}(h(S_{2}))=h(S_{1}S_{2})$ 令$s[i,j]$表示操作序列

arc099_f Eating Symbols Hard

arc099_f Eating Symbols Hard https://atcoder.jp/contests/arc099/tasks/arc099_d Tutorial https://img.atcoder.jp/arc099/editorial.pdf 考虑用哈希来判断序列的相等.设\(A\)的哈希值为\(f(A)=\sum A_ibase^i\),设\(g(S)\)表示\(S\)生成的序列\(A\)的\(f(A)\) 那么+-<>对哈

Eating Everything Efficiently(反向dp)

传送门 取最大值即可。用拓扑,dfs都可以实现 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int maxn=500009; int n,m; struct p{ int to,nxt; }d[maxn];int head[maxn],cnt=1; void add(int u,int v){ d[cnt].nxt=head[u],d[cnt].to=v,head[u]=cnt++; } double ans=


 Habits:  smoking, eating junk food, gambling a lot, gossiping a lot, drinking too much coffee, eating too much, drinking too much beer   I’m drinking too much; I’m gambling a lot; I’m gossiping a lot ; I’m eating too much; I’m drinking too much b

水题Eating Soup

 A. Eating Souptime limit per test1 secondmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output    The three friends, Kuro, Shiro, and Katie, met up again! It’s time for a party…    What the cats do when they unite? Right, the

LeetCode 875. Koko Eating Bananas

原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/koko-eating-bananas/ 题目: Koko loves to eat bananas.  There are N piles of bananas, the i-th pile has piles[i] bananas.  The guards have gone and will come back in H hours. Koko can decide her bananas-per-


有些符号在URL中是不能直接传递的,无法传入PHP处理,比如#&等符号,通过$_GET是获取不到的,比如一个域名https://localhost/url.php?url=yangyufei+eating&drinking 这个通过通过$_GET['url']想要获取yangyufei+eating&drinking是获取不到的,只能获取到yangyufei eating。 这个时候只能变

2019ICPC沈阳网络赛-D-Fish eating fruit(树上DP, 换根, 点分治)

链接: https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/41403 题意: State Z is a underwater kingdom of the Atlantic Ocean. This country is amazing. There are nn cities in the country and n-1n−1 undirected underwater roads which connect all cities. In order to save energy and avo

Fish eating fruit 点分治

树上任意两点之间的路径按照模 3 为 012 分类,将两点间距离加和(边权累和)  ,乘 2 即为答案。    点分治模板题 #include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>using namespace std;#define rep(a,b,c) for(int a=b;a<=c;a++)void _swap(int &x,int &y