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题目来源:http://noi.openjudge.cn/ch0206/2421/ 重点词汇: engage in:.从事; commission:n.佣金; prevailing : adj.优势的,广布的; crystal : n.水晶; 2421:Exchange Rates      汇率 查看 提交 统计 提问 总时间限制: 1000ms 内存限制: 65536kB描述Now that the Loonie is h


        while循环中内容之所以重复打印2次,是回车键(\n)作祟         c语言中输入字符后储存在缓冲区,输入完毕后按回车键后执行,回车键(\n)此时被视为字符,同样进入while循环验证真伪,造成printf重复执行了两次,下面以c primer plus 第七章7.12.11题为例演示解决办法 #

Where Did the Other Dollar Go, Jeff?

Where Did the Other Dollar Go, Jeff? 多出来的一美元 三名游客来到一家旅馆,经理告诉他们,三人间的价格是30美元。游客每人掏出10美元,入住了房间。 第二天退房时,经理意识到,这间客房的定价应该是25美元,便要求服务员将多收的5美元退还给客人。服务员不诚实,仅向每位游客退还1美元,将剩


更容易理解 更容易修改 类型定义使程序更加易于理解(假定程序员是仔细选择了有意义的类型名)。例如假设变量cash_in和变量cash_out将用于存储美元数量。把Dollars声明成 typedef float Dollars; 并且随后写出 Dollars cash_in, cash_out; 这样的写法比下面的写法更有实际意义;

商务英语中级第三版 MODULE2 Task 3: Listen to the presentation and write what each refers to.

Extract 1 Good morning and thanks for coming. Today I'd like to tell you about the world's largest document management company. With a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars the XeroxCorporation develops and markets innovative technologies w

有道建昆老师~Reading Comprehensive

that includes 12 months of living expenses estimated at 20000 dollars. the new shool year that begins this fall will cost about fifteen thousands dollars for undergraduates. tuition tuitiong 学费 住宿费 accommodation cost