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[论文理解] Automatic fabric defect detection using a deep convolutional neural network

Automatic fabric defect detection using a deep convolutional neural network Intro 本文提出用于纺织品的瑕疵检测方法,将原始图片看成由若干patch组成的图片,利用对patch间距离的定义,求取二阶微分的最大值,进而得到最佳patch size。然后,由于正负样本极度不均衡,作者对负样本的pat


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Mol Cell Proteomics. | 富马酸二甲酯在神经元和星形胶质细胞中新蛋白质靶点的鉴定及相关功能验证

大家好,本周分享的是发表在Molecular & Cellular Proteomics.上的一篇关于富马酸二甲酯在脑细胞蛋白质中新作用靶点的鉴定及功能性验证的文章,题目是Identification of Novel Protein Targets of Dimethyl Fumarate Modification in Neurons and Astrocytes Reveals Actions Independ


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