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以下来自cpp draft。 声明 extern int a; // declares a extern const int c; // declares c int f(int); // declares f struct S; // declares S typedef int Int; // declares Int ex


1.NgRx: selector https://ultimatecourses.com/blog/ngrx-store-understanding-state-selectors 2. 在一个module下的各个组件可以declares申明,则可以直接使用。     但不同的module下的组件引用,如A module下的A1组件的template TA1中使用里B Module下B1组件的TB1,即TA1 中使用里


https://autofac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/glossary.html The goal of this page is to help keep documentation, discussions, and APIs consistent.   Component A body of code that declares the Services it provides and declares the Dependencies it consumes