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使用std::bind 出现was not declared in this scope

test.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: test.cpp:22:8: error: ‘fk’ does not name a type auto fk = std::bind(func, std::placeholders::_1, 90); ^ test.cpp:23:20: error: ‘fk’ was not declared in this scope std::cout << fk(1) << endl; 使用std::bind时出现的b

php 获取当前文件中的类名

<?php namespace Demo; use Think\core; class Hello{ } echo '<pre>'; print_r(get_declared_classes()); /** array( [0]=> stdClass ... [143] => Redis [144] => RedisArray [145] => RedisCluster [146] =>

学习stm32时踩平的一个坑:#223-D: function "EXTI_Init" declared implicitly

最近买了板子,跟着正点原子的电子资料学习stm32。学到外部中断时出现这样一个问题: 如图代码提示有问题,编译后出现警告: main.c(25): warning: #223-D: function "EXTI_Init" declared implicitly 编译可以通过,代码下载运行也没有问题。可作为一个完美主义者,有警告就要消灭。不然

报错:‘xxxx‘ is declared but its value is never read.Vetur(6133)

报错: 解决方法: 在设置中搜索vetur,找到Validate js/ts in

YDOOK: C语言 MDK5:main.c(57): warning: #223-D: function “strlen“ declared implicitly 警告处理

YDOOK: C语言 MDK5:main.c(57): warning: #223-D: function “strlen” declared implicitly 警告处理 © YDOOK JY Lin 文章目录 YDOOK: C语言 MDK5:main.c(57): warning: #223-D: function "strlen" declared implicitly 警告处理© YDOOK JY Lin1. 问题原因:问题类型:C语言

error: ‘xcb_generic_event_t’ was not declared in this scope

代码: bool tray::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *) { qDebug("tray::nativeEventFilter:%s\n", eventType.data()); if (eventType == "xcb_generic_event_t") { xcb_generic_event_t* ev = s

The data property “xxx“ is already declared as a prop. Use prop default value instead.【已解决】

错误信息: 这种情况是使用了“prop”进行绑定数据,需要注意的是,如果数据时单数,也就是一个时,使用“prop”。如果是多个的话使用“props”,不可弄混。 解决: 将porps改为prop

echarts图表报错‘SyntaxError: Identifier ‘data‘ has already been declared’

报错 SyntaxError: Identifier 'data' has already been declared 如果在同一个层级内声明了let后再次声明同样的变量,就会导致这个问题出现 删除data前的let即可

C++文件错误| 'strcmp' was not declared in this scope|

今天编写C++代码时,出现了错误,如下: 'strcmp' was not declared in this scope   代码部分如下: #include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std; //抽象产品类 男人class Man{public: virtual void makeM() = 0;};//具体产品类 白色男人class WhiteMan : public Man{

C语言 错误 [Error] ‘prinft‘ was not declared in this scope的解决办法

C语言 错误 [Error] ‘prinft’ was not declared in this scope的解决办法 今天在写代码的时候,出现了这么一个问题,如下图所示 解决办法: 第四行prinft写错 应该是 printf

error: 'INT_MAX' was not declared in this scope

使用C++的整型上下限时报错: error: ‘INT_MAX’ was not declared in this scope 解决办法: 常量INT_MAX和INT_MIN定义在头文件limits中 所以添加头文件·#include<climits>

Cannot redeclare xxxxxx() (previously declared in C:\WWW\xxx.xxx:xxx)

错误提示: Cannot redeclare xxxxxx() (previously declared in C:\WWW\geoip.inc:xxx) in <b>C:\WWW\geoip.inc</b> on line <b>xxx</b><br /> 错误原因: 这个问题是因为多次引用导致重复声明 解决方法: 1.看到报错的那个文件,这里是C:\WWW\geoip.inc 2.搜索引用 geoip.inc 的文件,找

‘HttpClientModule‘ declared by the module ‘AppModule‘. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component anno

'HttpClientModule' declared by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annot. 解决办法:如果你出现了这样的错,那你注意了,HttpClientModule是引入的模块,不是自己创建的组件,所以要放在import的里面而不是declarations, 同理如果你的其他组件报错

error: ‘gets’ was not declared in this scope gets(str);

PAT中: error: ‘gets’ was not declared in this scope             gets(str); 原因: gets()方法已经不被PAT编译器支持了,因此要采用其他方法。 header添加:          #include <iostream>          using namespace std; 将gets(str);改为:    

error: expat.h: No such file or directory 解决方法

报错原因:缺少dexpat依赖包 解决方案: yum list | grep expat yum instal expat-devel 报错信息: Parser.cpp:11:19: error: expat.h: No such file or directory Parser.cpp:307: error: ‘XML_Parser’ does not name a type Parser.cpp:315: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration o

后台报错"Optional int parameter 'page' is present but cannot be translated into a null va

前端传分页参数时候,后端报错,提示 存在可选int参数'page',但由于被声明为基元类型,因此无法转换为null值 原因是后端获取前端传的参数接收给错了,改成@PathVariable接收即可   两者区别: @RequestParam 和 @PathVariable 注解是用于从 request 中接收请求的,两个都可以接收参数,关


1、SyntaxError异常 报错内容: SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xd2' in file *.py on line 24, but no encoding declared; see http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ for details 问题:二进制问题 解决方法: # coding:utf-8  


JAVA-反射机制-有无Declared的区别 存在declared:表示获取的数据来自此类的所有此种类型的数据,不能获取其父类的 无declared:表示获取的数据来自此类及其父类的公共访问权限的此种类型的数据(只能访问到公共的) Filed User.class.getFields();//获取User类及其父类中的所有公共属性(


1.omnet ned文件中首行出现错误 Multiple markers at this line - cannot read /SimpleSchedule/Base/Source/PTSrc.ned- declared package "" does not match expected package "Base.Source"- 49 changed lines 解决办法:在首行声明ned文件路径 Directories in a NED source t

SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xbb' in file D:\流畅学python\ex32.py on line 1

报错如下:     解决办法: 1. 去掉首行的汉字注释  

Elasticsearch:No handler for type [string] declared on field[XXX]的解决办法

报错原因我使用的Elasticsearch是7.7.0版本,按照学习文档创建字段时,使用了{"type":"string","index":"not_analyzed"}。 原因分析检查拼写无误之后,我决定去查Elasticsearch新版本特性,因为之前也踩过head插件的安装方法的坑,就是因为版本问题。果不其然,Elasticsearch从5.X就引入了tex

Keil警告:warning: #223-D: function “xxx“ declared implicitly解决

原因:这种情况下很可能是头文件的预定义声明重复了。比如写了两个LED文件,一个是LED1.c,另一个是LED2.c。他们俩都是从LED.c移植过来的,然后头文件忘了修改,里面的预定义都是 #ifndef __LED_H_ #define __LED_H_ ........ #endif 这时候如果在在main.c中包含头文件时,先包含了L

解决IAR编译出现Warning[25]: Label 'xxx' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root

  http://blog.csdn.net/u014616515/article/details/48650125 在使用IAR7.7及以上编译工程的时候,出现一大堆Warning[25]: Label 'xxx' is defined pubweak in a section implicitly declared root 的警告,点进去是指到启动文件startup_stm32f10x_xd.s里面的,这个问题有网友说是IAR

What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?

What is the scope of variables in JavaScript? What is the scope of variables in javascript? Do they have the same scope inside as opposed to outside a function? Or does it even matter? Also, where are the variables stored if they are defined globally?   回

SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xcd' in file K:/PycharmProjects/code/tools/ge

python代码中或者注释中存在中文字符出现SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xcd' in file K:/PycharmProjects/code/tools/getExcelData.py on line 6, but no encoding declared; see http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ for details这个问题时,可以尝试在代码第一