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        序列(sequence)是具有先后关系的一组元素。 一维元素向量,元素类型可以不同。类似数学元素序列:,,...,元素由序号引导,通过下标访问特定元素 1、序列类型及操作        序列作为基类,衍生字符串、列表、元组等数据类型,彼此间有共性也有独特的操作能力,其元素均存在


单词的减法2016.05.18state 1accordingly 因此,相应地,对应地advisory 顾问的,劝告的annoy 打扰,干扰,使恼怒anticipate/participate 期望/参加state 2appliance/applicable/applicant/application用具,器具  适当的       求职人    申请书appropriate 适当的assert/claim 断言 维护


原创:转载需注明原创地址 https://www.cnblogs.com/fanerwei222/p/11686615.html     简单的记录一下Java中自带动态代理的用法.   准备材料:      1.一个接口     2.一个实现了接口的类     3.一个动态代理类     4.一个测试类 package dynamicProxy;/**

Project Three: Simple World

Project Three: Simple WorldOut: June 15, 2019; Due: July 2, 2019I. Motivation1. To give you experience in using arrays, pointers, structs, enums, and different I/O streams andwriting program that takes arguments.2. To let you have fun with an application

Project Three: Simple World

Project Three: Simple WorldOut: June 15, 2019; Due: July 2, 2019I. Motivation1. To give you experience in using arrays, pointers, structs, enums, and different I/O streams andwriting program that takes arguments.2. To let you have fun with an application