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介绍: ​ 工厂模式是一种创建型设计模式; 作用: ​ 隐蔽具体的生产逻辑,根据不同的要求生产出不同的产品,就像switch-case一样; 类比: ​ 一个衣服工厂可以根据不同的诉求生产出不同面料的衣服; 代码示例: typedef enum { COTTON, LEATHER, FABRIC_MAX, } typedef str

2829. Clothes

time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A little boy Gerald entered a clothes shop and found out something very unpleasant: not all clothes turns out to match. For example, Gerald notic

SQL Server命令示例

1.访问及判断数据库的存在 use master --访问主数据库goif exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='Fresh') --判断Fresh是否存在于系统数据库drop database Freshgo 2.创建数据库 create database Freshon primary(name='Fresh_date', --主文件逻辑名Filename='D:\Fresh


进入查看:2021-2022学年学英语报九年级第9期答案及试题   When you try on a dress or a pair of jeans and try to dig your hand into the pocket, you suddenly realize there’s no depth to it. The pocket isn’t there. It is a fake pocket. You’ll see it in women’s c