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C - String Game

  题目 Clair and Bob play a game.Clair writes a string of lowercase characters, in which Bob sets the puzzle by selecting one of his favorite subsequence as the key word of the game. But Bob was so stupid that he might get some letters wrong. Now Clair wa


本文主要描述Clair的部署内容 Install:首先要下载好需要的镜像等文件 # Clone the repo git clone git@github.com:arminc/clair-scanner.git # Build and install cd clair-scanner make build make installLocal # Run ./clair-scanner -h 如有问题,也可根据下面命令或网址

String Game---The 14th Jilin Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

题意: clair的字符串中有几种子序列等于bob的字符串 思路: 自前向后遍历clair的字符串( i=1;i<=l1;i++) 自后向前遍历bob的字符串( j=l2;j>=1;j–) dp【j】代表clair前i个字符有dp【j】种子序列等于bob前j个字符 if(c[i]==b[j])dp[j]=(dp[j-1]+dp[j])%mod; ///c的第i位作为b的