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【SHTSC2014】概率充电器(charger) 题解

【SHTSC2014】概率充电器(charger) Description 著名的电子产品品牌SHOI刚刚发布了引领世界潮流的下一代电子产品——概率充电器: “采用全新纳米级加工技术,实现元件与导线能否通电完全由真随机数决定!SHOI概率充电器,您生活不可或缺的必需品!能充上电吗?现在就试试看吧!” SHOI概率充电


--连接数据库 --mysql -u root -p --密码:linyifan -- 创建数据表 -- auto_increment 自增 -- PRIMARY KEY 主键 CREATE TABLE employee( id TINYINT PRIMARY KEY auto_increment, name VARCHAR(25), gender boolean, age TINYINT, department VARCHAR(20), salar

cf Educational Codeforces Round 61 D. Stressful Training

原题: D. Stressful Training time limit per test3 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Berland SU holds yet another training contest for its students today. n students came, each of them brought his laptop.

CF 1132A,1132B,1132C,1132D,1132E,1132F(Round 61 A,B,C,D,E,F)题解

A.Regular bracket sequence A string is called bracket sequence if it does not contain any characters other than "(" and ")". A bracket sequence is called regular if it it is possible to obtain correct arithmetic expression by inserting