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继承是软件重用的一种方式。 组合也是软件重用的一种方式。 reusing the implementation composition(组合):construct new object with existing objectsit is the relationship of "has-a" composition objects can be used to build up other objectsways of inclusion f




描述:代替递归求解 例如:斐波那契函数f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2)。计算f(n)需要计算f(n-1)和f(n-2)。当计算f(n-1)时要计算f(n-2)和f(n-3)。因此在计算f(n)中f(n-2)被计算了两次。 为了减少重复的递归调用,我们可以反过来计算。先计算f(2),有了f(2)再计算f(3),以此类推,计算到f(n)。在此过程

cents上运行wget报错:unable to resolve host address

wget命令报错。无法解析域名"www.keepalived.rog" [vagrant@RS1 download]$ wget http://www.keepalived.org/software/keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz --2014-05-05 11:06:14--  http://www.keepalived.org/software/keepalived-1.2.12.tar.gz Resolving www.keepalived.org

UVA367 UVALive5251 Let Me Count The Ways【0/1背包】

After making a purchase at a large department store, Mel’s change was 17 cents. He received 1 dime, 1 nickel, and 2 pennies. Later that day, he was shopping at a convenience store. Again his change was 17 cents. This time he received 2 nickels and 7 penni