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进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报九年级第1期答案汇总   The British Army said Couto was the first ever female infantry officer to lead the ceremony. “We look forward to seeing a British Army female infantry captain of the queen's guard when roles are opened up t

Book Recommendation Engine using KNN

Book Recommendation Engine using KNN https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/machine-learning-with-python/machine-learning-with-python-projects/book-recommendation-engine-using-knn In this challenge, you will create a book recommendation algorithm using K-Nea


Six medical scientists were honred in 1973 by the Gairder Foundation of Toronto Canada,for outstanding research. by - "被;由"  用于被动语态的句子中,表示动作的执行者。 He was praised by the teacher.  他受到了老师的表扬。

P2747 [USACO5.4]周游加拿大Canada Tour DP

1030考试T4 ​ 题目大意: ​ 小 R 赢得了一张 L 国家环游机票。旅行在这家航空公司开放的最西边的城市开始,然后一直自西向东旅行,直到你到达最东边的城市,再由东向西返回,直到你回到开始的城市。除了旅行开始的城市之外,每个城市只能访问一次,因为开始的城市必定要被访问两次(在旅行的开

python sorted排序小结

转载至: https://blog.csdn.net/ray_up/article/details/42084863 列表排序 1: 按照字母排序 a = ['USA', 'China', 'Canada', 'Russia'] a.sort(reverse=True) 结果: ['USA', 'Russia', 'China', 'Canada'

洛谷 P2747 [USACO5.4]周游加拿大Canada Tour

洛谷 P2747 [USACO5.4]周游加拿大Canada Tour 题目描述 你赢得了一场航空公司举办的比赛,奖品是一张加拿大环游机票。旅行在这家航空公司开放的最西边的城市开始,然后一直自西向东旅行,直到你到达最东边的城市,再由东向西返回,直到你回到开始的城市。除了旅行开始的城市之外,每个城

【luogu2747】 [USACO5.4]周游加拿大Canada Tour[动态规划]

就记得f[1][1]的时候要初始化为1 忘了ans也要设为1 直接弄的0美滋滋 把它看作两个人同时从左边出发 然后dp就好了 可以去了gai一下floyd求最大环,最小环 和这题还是有点区别 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 #define ll long long 4 #define rg register 5 co

C - Time

Digital clock use 4 digits to express time, each digit is described by 3*3 characters (including”|”,”_”and” “).now given the current time, please tell us how can it be expressed by the digital clock. Input There are several test cases.  Each case con

【Codeforces Round 725】Canada Cup 2016

模拟Canada Cup 2016,ABC三题,Rank1376 第三题卡住了 Codeforces 725 C 求出两个相同字符的位置,记为x和y。 然后考虑把相同的那个字符放在第一行的什么地方, 然后把x+1..y-1的部分一折两半,放在第一行的末尾再折回第二行。 再把1..x-1和y+1..n放下来就可以了。 Codeforces 725 D 题意:有