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QuantLib 金融计算——一个线程安全隐患

目录QuantLib 金融计算——一个线程安全隐患概述一个线程安全隐患解决办法扩展阅读 QuantLib 金融计算——一个线程安全隐患 概述 C++ 11 后标准库引入了 thread 以实现并行计算。与 OpenMP 不同,thread 对线程的操作属于粗粒度的,适合将若干耗时的计算任务先做独立封装,再并行运行。

Power Fx coming to Model-driven Power Apps, Dataverse - power apps

We announced Power Fx at Ignite just over two months ago, setting a new standard for the industry with an open source language for low-code development.  We could never have imagined the level of interest and excitement that it has generated.  Thank you!

How to: Access the Report Parameters Object in Calculated Fields Expressions 如何:在计算字段表达式中访问报表参数对象

This topic describes how you can access data of a report parameters object (inherited from ReportParametersObjectBase and specified using IReportDataV2.ParametersObjectType) in calculated field expressions. 本主题介绍如何在计算字段表达式中访问报表参数对象的数

How to: Access the Report Parameters Object in Calculated Fields Expressions 如何:在计算字段表达式中访问报表参数对象

This topic describes how you can access data of a report parameters object (inherited from ReportParametersObjectBase and specified using IReportDataV2.ParametersObjectType) in calculated field expressions. 本主题介绍如何在计算字段表达式中访问报表参数对象的数