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Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost failed to start.

1:这里记录一下这个错误,反正百度一大推,但是很长很长,我感觉这个问题肯定是servlet引起的,因为我遇到的总是如此: 2:我的问题如下所示: 1 <servlet> 2 <servlet-name>BookSortInsertServlet</servlet-name> 3 <servlet-class>com.bie.system.servlet.bookSort.BookSortInse

[POJ3460] Booksort 题解

Description The Leiden University Library has millions of books. When a student wants to borrow a certain book, he usually submits an online loan form. If the book is available, then the next day the student can go and get it at the loan counter. This is

POJ 3460 Booksort(算竞进阶习题)

IDA* 这题真不会写。。估价函数太巧妙了。。 按照lyd神牛的说法我们把a[i+1]=a[i]+1记为正确后继,反之则记为错误后继 那么考虑最优的一次交换区间,至多能够纠正三个错误后继,所以我们统计序列的错误后继数n,n/3就是估价函数的值 因为把某区间移到后面和把另外一个区间移到它前面是等价