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[ABP] pro module's ts file t/eslint import modules error

coding tool: vscode   版本: 1.71.0 (user setup)   Node.js: 16.14.2   V8:   OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19042 typescript version: 4.8.2 frontend: ng type: add as project with source code for example, identity module, look scrreen sho

How to Fix "We can't sign into your account" and 'You've been signed in wit

How to Fix "We can't sign into your account" and 'You've been signed in with a temporary profile' Error in Windows 10A user profile is a collection of settings that make the computer look and work the way you want it to for a


ctex学习篇 因何时何地都不能与电脑在一起,加之自己记忆有限,想将自己学习ctex的一些常用操作记录下来,便于日后查看。 1.CTex写文章框架 注:我这里是utf-8格式,也可以是其他格式,不过中文容易出错,解决方法见:https://www.cnblogs.com/enjoy233/p/10408788.html    \documentclass[UT

RAC 11g2: To Change VIP or HOSTNAME in Oracle 11gR2 Clusterware Node:

RAC 11g2: To Change VIP or HOSTNAME in Oracle 11gR2 Clusterware Node: Posted on October 26, 2013 by Sakthi Reasons to change the VIP or HOSTNAME in Oracle 11gR2 Clusterware Node: – Change of location of Data centers– Change of ip addresses in the Data

SAP S4HANA LTMC Practice - the first shot

SAP S4HANA LTMC Practice - the first shot!   With the launch of SAP s / 4hana 1610, SAP no longer recommends LSMW as data migration tool, but introduces a new tool LTMC. Compared with the traditional LSMW, LTMC changes a lot. SAP consultants may not natur

Eclipse '《》'operator is not allowed for source level below 1.7

报错:'<>' operator is not allowed for source level below 1.7 这是eclipse的编译环境与项目的要求不对应造成的,这个错误一般是导入别的项目才出现的。 解决: 鼠标放在项目上,右键菜单里点击 Properties, 勾选上面的 Enable project specific settings, Compiler Compliance level:

Below the Diagonal CodeForces - 266C

原题链接 考察:思维 错误思路:   暴力模拟,但是步骤没有统一的规矩. 思路:   递归思想.因为需要将每个棋子放在主对角线以下.那么首先保证最后一列无\(1\),那么再交换有\(1\)的行和最后一行,这样怎么也不会换到对角线上.然后可以发现最后一行,最后一列可以去掉,再重复上面的步

1 - Ansible Provision and configuration

Environment preparationGet ready with 2 CentOS virtual machine, and configure the network to able connect internet and internal communication.Please reference to below posts for VM provision and configuration with Hyper-V on Windows 101 - Enable and launc

5 - CentOS system configuration before k8s installation

Prerequisites: Node OS IP k8s-master CentOS7 k8s-node1 CentOS7 Now we have 2 working CentOS virtual machine, which can connect to each other, also able access to Internet. Let's do some configuration before w


前言 Text关键字的作用是识别网页上的文字,在一般UI查找中使用率非常高,但是需要注意,如果网页上有相同的文字,那么只能识别到第一个  入参介绍 以下是Text的源码 有5个如参:后面4个参数是上下左右的定位辅助,后面举例中详细介绍 text=None, below=None, to_right_of=None, above=None,

第五节 无序分类变量的比较:卡方检验

          import statsmodels.stats.contingency_tables as tb # 卡方检验,不同家庭收入级别在轿车拥有率上是否有区别 table = tb.Table(pd.crosstab(ccss.Ts9, ccss.O1)) table <statsmodels.stats.contingency_tables.Table at 0x1df819bc5c0> table.table_


不知道在哪个博客里看到的整理了一遍  创建一个继承ViewGroup的类 public class SearchView extends ViewGroup 重写onMeasure @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heigh


#include <stdio.h>#define M 10 //总人数 /*m个人的成绩存放在score数组中请编写函数fun,它的功能是:将低于平均分的人数作为函数值返回,将低于平均分的分数放在below所指定的数组中。函数原型: int fun(int score[],int m,int below[]) 此题为06年南开大学研究生复试上机题*

SQL Server中删除用户时报错,提示:The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped

原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/OpenCoder/p/10405812.html Description of the problem: When you tried to drop a user, you got this message: Error: 15138 The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped.   C

Technical support

Technical support Technical Support URL Statement Dear users: We understand the importance of privacy to you and will do our best to protect your privacy. If you have any questions, please leave a message below or contact us as below. Contact informatio


//将3*4矩阵中找出行最大,列最小的那个元素。 1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #define M 3 3 #define N 4 4 void fun(int (*a)[N]) 5 { int i=0,j,find=0,rmax,c,k; 6 while( (i<M) && (!find))//这里发现i没有进行递增操作。 7 { rmax=a[i][0]; c=0; 8 for(j=1;


今天整理了简正模导出声子的内容,其中用tikz画了两张图。一张是整个问题的物理模型,效果如下   这幅图的绘制参考了https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/41608/draw-mechanical-springs-in-tikz中弹簧的绘制。具体代码如下: \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usetikz