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MathProblem 14 Four pints of beer problem

A bartender has a \(3\) pint glass and a \(5\) pint glass. A customer walks in and orders \(4\) pints of beer. Without a measuring cup but with an unlimited supply of beer how does he get \(4\) pints in either glass? Solution 用 \(3\) 和 \(5\) 的


目录1. 什么是关联规则2. 关联规则有什么用3. 如何运用关联规则3.1 基本概念3.2 频繁项集评估标准3.3 Aprior算法思想4. Apriori算法应用 1. 什么是关联规则 关联规则,从大量数据中发现事物、特征或者数据之间的,频繁出现的相互依赖关系和关联关系。 X—>Y,XY的关联规则,包括支持度


public class 数啤酒瓶童谣 { public static void main(String[] args) { int beerNum = 99; String word = "bottles"; while (beerNum > 0) { if (beerNum == 1) {// 等于1的时候,不数了,直接说没有 word = "bottle


关联算法有几个重要的概念: 下面以官方教程为例 [['Apple', 'Beer', 'Rice', 'Chicken'], ['Apple', 'Beer', 'Rice'], ['Apple', 'Beer'], ['Apple', �

啤酒2元一瓶,2个空瓶能换一瓶,4个空瓶能换一瓶. 问: 10元最多能喝多少瓶?

class Beer(object): def __init__(self, money, price_money, price_bottle, price_cover): self.money = money # 钱数 self.price_money = price_money # 每瓶花的钱 self.price_bottle = price_bottle # 一瓶值的空瓶数 self.pri

Responsible Drinking

Welcome to the Codewars Bar! Codewars Bar recommends you drink 1 glass of water per standard drink so you're not hungover tomorrow morning. Your fellow coders have bought you several drinks tonight in the form of a string. Return a string suggesting

Beer Bill

Beer Bill Pub bills were introduced into daily life long before computers even existed. People tend tothink that once a bill has been paid, it is no more than a pathetic paper scrap not worthy ofany more attention. The fact, completely overlooked by est


转自:https://blog.csdn.net/Stupid_human/article/details/99414013 1.上下文相同的词,词义很大可能也相同。      比如这个例子中,单词可能意思是beer,和beer相似。 2.怎么做文本分类? 两篇文章的向量相似,那么两篇文章也相似。 3.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_48v322owNVt

新概念lesson6_percy buttons

1. move ,搬到,移到,move to, move into, move out. 2、ask sb for sth ,请求某人做某事 3、in return for this,作为。。。报道 4、a neighbour told me about him,一个邻居跟我讲了关于他 5、once a month, 一个月一次 Grammar in use a /an 表示不确定的人或物 put on 穿上 take of


关联分析是指从大量数据中发现项集之间有趣的关联和相关联系。关联分析的一个典型例子是购物篮分析。在大数据时代,关联分析是最常见的数据挖掘任务之一。 概述 关联分析是一种简单、实用的分析技术,是指发现存在于大量数据集中的关联性或相关性,从而描述一个事物中某些属性同时岀

啤酒2块1瓶, 4个盖换1瓶, 2个空瓶换1瓶, 10块可以喝几瓶?

public class Calculation { public static void main(String arg[]){ int beer=calculationBeerAmount(10,2,4,2); System.out.println("10元共喝了" + beer + "瓶啤酒."); } /** * 计算啤酒数量 * @param money 金额 *


Beer before wine, or wine before beer; whatever the order, you’ll feel queer. That, at least, is the updated aphorism drinkers will have to embrace now scientists have proved that drink order has no effect on the magnitude of one’s hangover. Under careful