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ansible ansible-playbook参数

ansible ansible-playbook参数 1.1 语法详情 Options: --ask-vault-pass #ask for vault password #加密playbook文件时提示输入密码 -C, --check #don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the ch

Asible 批量跑出服务器的特权用户

1、定义剧本(我这里只输出序列号) [root@libin3]# cat libin.yml - hosts: task gather_facts: no tasks: - name: fetch shell: | awk -F ":" '{ print $1,$7 }' /etc/passwd | grep -v "/sbin/nologin" | grep -v "root"

Asible 批量跑出服务器相关信息

1、定义剧本(我这里只输出序列号) [root@libin3]# cat libin.yml - hosts: task gather_facts: no tasks: - name: fetch shell: | dmidecode -t 1 | grep "Serial Number" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' register: serial -

厉害了,有人这样对Ansible Playbook做简介

厉害了!有人这样对Ansible Playbook做简介! 经过一系列的基础锻炼与磨砺,终于来到比较高大上的运用了。 (纳尼?现在才开始???前程回顾:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41765918/category_11512932.html) 1. 什么是playbook 中文名:剧本,它是一个自动化处理脚本。 Playbook采用YAML语言编写。


Problem Description There is an island called PiLiPaLa.In the island there is a wild animal living in it, and you can call them PuPu. PuPu is a kind of special animal, infant PuPus play under the sunshine, and adult PuPus hunt near the seaside. They fell


historian search for[寻找] As a historian, who's always searching for the text or the image that makes us re-evaluate the past. preoccupy[使...全神贯注] preoccupied[全神贯注的] ancestor[祖先] shatter prudery I've become preoccupied with looking for photograp

ansible 普通用户执行root权限操作

https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35702095/article/details/90486379?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-title-2&spm=1001.2101.3001.4242 ansible 普通用户执行root权限操作 熟悉开机关机重启 2019-05-23 19:53:05  8757  收藏 6 分类专栏: ansible 文章标


yum -y install ansible yum安装ansible的特点 yum安装的ansible,配置文件,hosts文件,roles目录都默认在/etc/ansible目录下 配置文件要点介绍 ------------------- 配置文件中的sudo-user和become-user,remote_user remote_user: 本机要通过一个用户名密码登录到远程机器上,re


play any_errors_fatal:强制任何主机上的任何未处理任务错误传播到所有主机并结束播放。become:布尔值,用于控制是否在任务执行时适用权限提升。become_flags:当变为True的时候,要传递给权限提升程序的标志。become_method:适用那种权限升级方法(例如sudo或su)become_user:check_mode:布尔值


  主机规划 主机名称操作系统版本内网IP外网IP(模拟)安装软件 ansi-manager CentOS7.5 ansible ansi-haproxy01 CentOS7.5   ansi-haproxy02 CentOS7.5   ansi-web01 CentOS7.5 172.16.1.

ansible 切换用户问题

ansible 切换用户问题 ​ 在实际生产环境中,应用程序的用户为不允许用户直接登陆,即为登陆用户user1 ,操作应用程序为user2,需要完成对应用程序的启动关闭,需要登陆user1 切换user2 操作应用程序。 ​ 在ansible 实际应用中怎么解决此类问题呢,通过多方查看资料发现可以ansible_becom

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LeetCode 1101. The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends

原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/the-earliest-moment-when-everyone-become-friends/ 题目: In a social group, there are N people, with unique integer ids from 0 to N-1. We have a list of logs, where each logs[i] = [timestamp, id_A, id_B] contai

HBase Master启动失败 报 master.HMaster: Failed to become active master 解决方法

报错内容: ERROR [Thread-21] master.HMaster: Failed to become active master java.lang.IllegalStateException: The procedure WAL relies on the ability to hsync for proper operation during component failures, but the underlying filesystem does not support doing


ansible-playbook 可以方便快速的批量执行部署和运维任务,对于不同的场景和服务器,需要使用不同的权限提升方式。 最佳实现:为了提高playbook的兼容性,跟功能没有直接关系的权限提升脚本,不要出现在palybook正文中,可以在ansible-playbook运行的时候,通过-e传入 场景一:我们有服务器的root

ansible 动态inventory 脚本实现例子

一. ansible 资源inventory 动态,脚本规范说明需要实现--list ,--host 选项,并输出json数据即可。   1. --list 输出:[root@master_101 ansible]# ./dy_host.py --list {     "all": [         "",         ""     ],   


# ansible sudo 问题  官方下载centos7.6fcow2镜像不给直接远程ssh了,所以必须sudo,但是有的命令sudo也解决不了的如管道重定向还有多个命令组合。 解决办法: vim ansible.cfg [defaults] inventory=hosts forks=10 host_key_checking=False [privilege_escalation] become=yes becom

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