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进入查看:2022-2023学年英语周报七年级第4期答案及试题   A passion for basketball led Richard Smith on a path to the playoff(季后赛). Richard had had the    11   since the middle school. Then, Richard    12    an international school in Torrance. Rich

1195C- Basketball Exercise

链接: https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1195/C 题意: 两个数列a和b,每次可以在任意一个数字中取一个数字(可以不取)求和值最大 解: DP冲冲冲! dp二维数组dp【 i 】【 j 】 i表示第 i 天 j 选择的最优选择 j=0不选,j=1选a数列,j=2选b数列 DP转移公式 dp[i] [0]=max(dp[i-1]

vue 树状表格

文章目录 1. 初始化配置2. 使用3. 效果 1. 初始化配置 安装模块: npm i vue-table-with-tree-grid -S main.js 文件 import ZkTable from 'vue-table-with-tree-grid' Vue.component(ZkTable.name, ZkTable); 2. 使用 <template lang="html"> <div id="ex

【464】文本转字符向量bag of words

利用 sklearn.feature_extraction.text 中的 CountVectorizer 来实现 首先获取所有的文本信息 然后将文本信息转化为从 0 开始的数字 获取转换后的字符向量 参见如下代码: >>> text_01 = "My name is Alex Lee." >>> text_02 = "I like singing and playing basketball." >>>

Basketball Exercise

Finally, a basketball court has been opened in SIS, so Demid has decided to hold a basketball exercise session. 2⋅n2⋅n students have come to Demid's exercise session, and he lined up them into two rows of the same size (there are exactly nn people in

print 高级用法

my_name='zhangsan'print(f"Let's talk {my_name},Don't paly basketball in the room")#等价于下面方式print("Let's talk {},Don't paly basketball in the room".format(my_name))#打印结果如下:'''Let's talk z

XKC's basketball team(单调栈+二分)

XKC , the captain of the basketball team , is directing a train of nnn team members. He makes all members stand in a row , and numbers them 1⋯n1 \cdots n1⋯n from left to right. The ability of the iii-th person is wiw_iwi​ , and if there is a guy whose ab

2019徐州网络赛K XKC's basketball team(结构体排序+二分+RMQ)

XKC , the captain of the basketball team , is directing a train of nnn team members. He makes all members stand in a row , and numbers them 1⋯n1 \cdots n1⋯n from left to right. The ability of the iii-th person is wiw_iwi​ , and if there is a guy whose

2019徐州网络赛 XKC's basketball team 线段树

网址:https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/41387 题意: 大家好,我是训练时长两年半的个人练习生蔡徐坤,我的爱好是唱,跳,rap,篮球。 给出一段长度为$n,(n \leq 1e5)$的序列,对每一个数,求出它和它后面比它大$m$的数中间夹着的数的数量,没有输出$-1$。 题解: 直接建线段树,维护最大值,然后查询时对第$i$

2019icpc 徐州网络赛 E.XKC's basketball team(线段树)

XKC , the captain of the basketball team , is directing a train of nn team members. He makes all members stand in a row , and numbers them 1⋯n from left to right. The ability of the i-th person is w_i, and if there is a guy whose ability is not less t

The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Xuzhou 2019 徐州网络赛 XKC's basketball team

XKC , the captain of the basketball team , is directing a train of nn team members. He makes all members stand in a row , and numbers them 1 \cdots n1⋯n from left to right. The ability of the ii-th person is w_iwi​ , and if there is a guy whose a