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SELECT a.*,(select now())signUp,CASE WHEN b1.id IS NULL THEN '未报名' ELSE '已报名' END sate, ( SELECT COUNT( 1 ) FROM group_look_applicants c WHERE c.group_look_id = a.id ) sum1 FROM group_look a LEFT JOIN group_look_applicants b1 ON a.i


延世大学是韩国最为著名的大学之一,GSIS课程,是由国际研究生院(Graduate School of International Studies)提供的在国际贸易,金融,国际关系,地域研究等英文授课的硕士和博士课程,并有丰富的奖学金,特别有针对中国学生的冠群奖学金。 ENTRY QUALIFICATIONS Entrance requirements a


The Dole Queue UVA - 133 In a serious attempt to downsize (reduce) the dole queue, The New National Green Labour Rhinoceros Party has decided on the following strategy. Every day all dole applicants will be placed in a large circle, facing inwards. Some