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华为交换机更改旧密码The password has appeared in recent * times.

  aaa设置旧密码时候,提示“The password has appeared in recent 5 times.” 由于密码以前使用过且在设备当前保存的用户密码历史记录中,系统给出错误信息修改失败,将设备恢复出厂设置删除配置文件还是无法设置成功。 [JK-DLZ-SW01]aaa [JK-DLZ-SW01-aaa]local-aaa-user passwo

The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received

启动类上加: @MapperScan(value = {"com.example.demo.mapper"}) This issue has appeared in the testing of mybatis batch insert using xml file, And I check the different with the correct configuration in the old project. The problem is the mapperScan an