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Fairness among New Items in Cold Start Recommender Systems

目录概符号说明Opportunity fairnessMax-Min opportunity fairnessMean Discounted Gain (MDG)主要内容基本框架Joint-learning generative methodScore scaling method Zhu Z., Kim J. and Nguyen T. Fairness among new items in cold start recommender systems. In Interna

Traveling Salesman among Aerial Cities(旅行商问题)

题目链接: Traveling Salesman among Aerial Cities - AtCoder abc180_e - Virtual Judgehttps://vjudge.net/problem/AtCoder-abc180_e 题目大意: 给出计算两个城市之间cost的方法,输入n个城市的x,y,z坐标,求出从第一个城市遍历所有城市之后回到该城市的最小cost和 思路: 这个计算cost

牛客多校2021-1-Journey among Railway Stations

题目链接:Journey among Railway Stations 题目大意: 一段路上有 N N N个点,每个点有一个合法时间段 [ u

A performance comparison among data structures in concurrent programming

This document is about a performance comparison among a number data structures in concurrent programming. Tests environment: 1 – 4 threads on Ubuntu20 Tested data structures: integer counter (simple C integer variable counter) [1] Queue ( C structure –

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'pipeline' found among steps

groovy报错 : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'pipeline' found among steps       解决方法: 安装“pipeline”插件     其他类似报错一样,需要安装对应插件即可。    

《Among Us》火爆全球,实时语音助力派对游戏开启第二春

今年在全球“宅经济”的影响下,社交派对类游戏意外的迎来了爆发。 8月份,《糖豆人:终极淘汰赛》突然爆火,创造了首日150万玩家、首周Steam 200万销量、单周Twitch累计观看2300万小时的数据。在糖豆人之后,另一款社交派对类游戏《Among Us》开始发力,截止到目前《Among Us》观看时长已经

greatest among three numbers

  public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner ip = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter A: "); int a = ip.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter B: "); int b =

Supervision meeting notes 2019/11/29

topic 分支:  1. subgraph/subsequence mining Wang Jin, routine behavior/ motif.  Philippe Fournier Viger;  2. correlation of different factors or self-correlation;   the correlation can be among graphs or self-correlation of one graph.  思考放到自己的论

tpo 29 reading1

Competition among species is of considerable evolutionary importance. The physical structure of species competing for resources in the same ecological niche tends to gradually evolve in ways that allow them to occupy different niches. Competing species al

The difference among ioctl, unlocked_ioctl and compat_ioctl (RT)

Meta-answer: All the raw stuff happening to the Linux kernel goes through lkml (the Linux kernel mailing list). For explicative summaries, read or search lwn (Linux weekly news). Answer: From The new way of ioctl() by Jonathan Corbet: ioctl() is one of t