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alike, akin, ail, ale
a- in the state or process of kin: 家人(和亲戚). kinsman, kinswoman, kinsfolk, kinship kith and kin: friends and family Sometimes 'next of kin' refers to the person who is someone's closest relative, especially in official or legal documents. So[英语]表达一致、相同相关的单词
列举 uniform、identical、alike、same uniform Chips should be cut into uniform size. 土豆条应该切成一致的尺寸。 The people have a right to uniform government. 人民有权要求一贯一致的政府。 identical a row of identical houses. 完全一样的一排房子。 Her2021-2022学年英语周报八年级第15期答案及试题
进入查看:2021-2022学年英语周报八年级第15期答案及试题 13. Look before you leap. 三思而后行。批注:“跳之前先望一望”(挺有意思的表达)14. Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。批注:另译,罗马不是一天建成的;冰冻三尺非一日之寒。15. Great minds think alike.“看一看”推荐模型揭秘!微信团队提出实时Look-alike算法,解决推荐系统多样性问题
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